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Full Version: Deer Creek May Day
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Went to Deer Creek again and took the grandkids. Another good day on the water trolling. Caught alot of rainbows and three Browns trolling. When we were leaving around 1:00 there were three DNR officers getting in a boat that had just launched at the Main Marina. I thought maybe they were out checking boats for proper stickers being as the old ones expired on April 30th. As we came around the bend towards the Dam to go down Provo Canyon there were 3 boats way inside the Bouy line and the Officers had one stopped and I am not Kidding, They were only around 10 to 20 feet from the actual Dam itself. I couldn't beleive that people are either unaware of the law or completely Brain Dead. Not one boat but three. Guess the fishin was real hot over there.[crazy][crazy][crazy]