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All, The wife and I are headed up to Woodhead 16th or 17th through the 24th. Heard water is still low and you have to use the old ramp.

That still accurate info? Is it filling? anyone catching crappie yet? I am sure we will fish anywhere from Mt Man up to the dam in those days.

Any info on the water level or crappie bite would be greatly appreciated.
woodhead is out now. dirt ramps only on the oregon side. warmer weather will fill it up. they are saving space for runoff. crappie fishing near the powder or cemetery is where i have heard
Its gone up a couple feet the last few days, by then you should be fine. I plan on being there the same time as you. I'll most likely be in the C or D section with a black Lund.

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Brownlee is 61 feet from full. Go to this site and you can get info on water info. Click on Our Environment and then Water Information.

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thanks for the info guys. we are heading to Vail first, to fish Bulley creek and maybe Owyhee. we'll be at Woodhead Monday or tues the 16 or 17th. we have a 24ft green and tan pontoon boat, name Clothing Optional. white dodge truck. and gray Spring bar tent. most likely in C section. if C1 is open... that'll be first choice. been 6-8 years since we got that spot. as with everyone else, it's our favorite.

one last question... the water had to go somewhere, does that mean Oxbow and Hells Canyon are full? or at least up in water level?

Swing by and introduce your selves. we always have an extra cold beverage to share with fellow BFT'ers.
Oxbow and Hells Cyn can fluctuate from full to two or three feet down anytime during the day depending on electricity demands. I've sat at Copperfield and watched the flow go from full to rocks being exposed in less than an hour.
Just drove up to Woodhead to drop the camper at Gateway storage today. Went down to Woodhead campground and it was 3 quarters full in all camping sections. Boats where launching at the old ramp, but the newer one was almost ready to go. The first section for truck and boat trailer parking was full with people out fishing.

I was actually a little surprised with all the people with the low water, but it is nice out and there is a tourney this weekend. I think the park host even said something about a crappie tourney.

Sorry no fishing report. But if it helps whenever I'm there, it's good fishing. [Wink]
thanks for the info. still in Vale. no luck on bully creek. heard crappie is ok in Owyhee, but haven't committed to driving down there yet. will most likely hit woodhead Tues morning, set up camp and be on the water before noon. thats the plan anyway.