[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]I would like to aquire a cradle net for muskie and other large fish. [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]First, does anyone have one they would like to sell? Sportsmans have nice ones but they want $60 for them.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Second, here is an interesting Web site about careful treating of muskey and building and using a cradle net. [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2] [url "http://www.fishontario.com/articles/muskie-cradle/"]http://www.fishontario.com/articles/muskie-cradle/[/url][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Third, anyone have any additional good input on building a cradle net?[/size][/font]
Great article about the use and construction of the cradle. It looks like it would be alot less than 60 bucks to make your own, especially if a few of us get together and buy in bulk. Old_coot, did I read that you had bought a pair of the kevlar glove a while back for these toothy critters, if so have you had a chance to use them and are they really worth it, both mental (teeth ARE sharp) and functionality?
heres an idea for building on go to wal mart buy a hammock to use as the cradle next go to home base buy two wooden dhowls and some good twine cut net to size desired cut dhowls to lenght use twine to attach together in my minds eye seems like it should work
I was talking to my fiance's mother who does alot of crafts. She was saying that you can find fishnet patterns in pretty much any tightness of holes for pretty cheap in any of the fabric stores or craft stores. IE MIchaels or ZIMZ. As much as I like the hammock idea this might bea little cheapier. and I cant think of destroying a good hammock[cool]
i was thinking a hammock for its strength if it will hold a 200 # man it should handle any musky you put in it heres another thought if you try this route tie on three 1/2 OZ sinkers two at the ends one center to make sure its "under water" when your ready to bring the fish into it
That is a good thought there aqua, and 200 lbs. Thats for the 78 incer big boy that will be on my wall next year right :}
Acctully I wouldent have the heart to keep a fish that big. But all this talk got me looking around and another Idea I did see was that if your going to be fishing heavey and hard and using this net also take a piece a rope about 3 feet and tie it to the net its self then to you rope ancors on your boat. Good idea considering the way them fish can splish and splash you and knock it out of your hand. And with the sinkers on there it might make it go down that much faster.
Now here is sme I thought about though. get some of the black tube pipeing and use it instead of wood or pvc. fill the pipe with foam so it will float and then cap them off. and paint the caps reflecter orange if you do anynight fishing. that way in the odd event you loose it it can be found. I know it might not happen but how much does the paint cost anyways. not much. Just a thought.
you could buy one for about 25 or 30 from [url "http://www.jannsnetcraft.com"]www.jannsnetcraft.com[/url] or they have stuff to make nets. or you can do like I did I went to homedepo picked up some wood for the handles then went and picked up a siene net for about $5 at a sports shop (dont remember they one) I was able to mak two from the net with some left over. I think in all it cost me $12 to make 2 so maybe some one will want to get with you and make them together. just a thought.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Ix-nay on the Kevlar gloves-ay. Those kevlar gloves are alright for avoiding cuts from a blade but are worthless at protecting against puncture type wounds. Teeth (if the teeth on the critter are very long), and spines (like wipers & stripers) go right thru the weave. [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Thanks all for all the great info.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Nomoose, looks like I will be building or buying from [/size][/font][url "http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/"][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/[/size][/font][/url]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]$25 bucks for one built by them. I talked to them on the phone and they gave me the recomendations for netting type if I decided to build one.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]One Eyed Jack, I don't have any kevlar gloves ... must be someone else.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Thanks again for all the good info everyone.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Is this a good site or what ???[/size][/font]