Fishing Forum

Full Version: SethColeman, Chick, Largemouth, 05 06 11, Clutch442
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Hit the water early am, ran into Crazy and Colby at the HBSP ramp, and we were off. Started off really cold and somewhat windy. First spot Chris gets a small one on a buzzbait and it goes cold for a while. Move to another pocket and miss some more and Chris wraps his line around a limp and jerks on it a while and finally breaks the limp off. I tell him "you need to re-tie because I know your line is frayed". He doesnt and we move on. I miss several fish on the shakeyhead and i'm getting discouraged. We fish a few slews-shallow and move on. We hit another area and I finally get a keeper in the boat. Miss a few more, and Chris hooks a good one. He fights for a minute and makes a few jumps and its finally at the boat..but its not done. I reach down to get the fish and its a good one, it takes off and....pop....there goes his line. He looks up and says "I guess I should have re-tied". Enough on the I told you so's... move on down and he hooks another good one right at 4lbs, and spawned out. We move down the bank and move again. Since we went right after work we were limited with gear, so we stuck to the worm. We boat a few more and he has to leave for chemo treatment. Ended up being a fun day and best 3 would have been about 9lbs give or take. All fish were caught in about 4.5 fow, on shakey head(aarons magic) and v&m black worm. Water temps were about 67 everywhere we went. Threw traps, cranks, worms, and topwater. Caught one on the buzz and the rest on worms. Hated to leave them biting but priority called. Crazy and Colby flat wore them out today, and I think there biggest was 5lbs. Good to see um on my home lake.