05-08-2011, 09:00 AM
$50 for gas in the truck, $40 for gas in the boat, entry was $35 since Colby had not fished one, Colby trip AL license was $30, biscuts that morning $7.50.....Total paid...$162.50.<br /><br />Caught our limit in the first 30 minutes on top water and never improved it. Only caught seven bass all day, all on top water. emoRedface WE sucked!<br /><br />We could have gone to the landing and taken a nap until weigh in after that first thirty minutes. emoDoh <br /><br />That only cost us $23.21 per fish. emoCrazy <br /><br />Congrats to Rudy and partner on the sweep. emoApplause Big Bass, 1st place and Tow Boat money. emoWorthy Congrats to all those with a great sack today. Many of you done good. emoToast Jmax