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Full Version: a law suit really
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i got this e-mail today i just wanted to see what peoples thoughts was about it

I am reaching out to you, the participants of the derby, for your help. Due to a law suit brought on by the mother of the Jr Prize Winner, whom was awarded $100 cash and a trophy, this event is at risk to be discontinued in the future. She is suing for more money as she feels her son should have been in the adult competition and awarded more cash.

If you understood that "Under Age 14" meant that a child of age 14 would be in the Jr competition, please send a response email to me with your support. There was a typo in some information that was erroneously distributed that said under 14 instead of 14 and under. And with this simple mistake, mixed with greed, a law suit is born. This participant, with other 14 year old participants, was always in the Jr Competition as intended and evident with the registration printed before the event.

If you feel this event was performed with honestly and integrity, please show your support by responding to me at [url ""][/url] with your comments. I will be giving the judge emails from you and other participants to help the case for the tournament. If you don’t want to let one person ruin it for all the rest of us, now is your time to speak up. If we win the law suit, there will be a next year and I will keep the email addresses of the participants included in this email for the "invitational only" to future events. If we lose the law suit and need to satisfy the greed of a another, there will not be future tournaments.

Thank you for your support.
John Lindsley, director.
I say take the case to Judge Judy....There is a cash settlement for all, and you can have your tourney next year regardless of the outcome.
How much was the adult prize, and where would her son have placed on the adult side? I guess I am saying, maybe just pay, simple mistakes sometimes cost. I believe an honest mistake, and if she was a person of character, there is a lesson to be taught to her son, that life is not all about money, sometimes being the bigger person is more important.
the adult prize was 700 and i think it would have won
'Bout all I can say is if she wins, I hope she buys something that has no guarantee and it breaks the first time she tries to use it. CHEAPCHEAPCHEAPCHEAP. What a crock! What she's teaching her kid is just the kind of CRAP that lines lawyers pockets and nurtures our litigious society. Bet the kid is a spoiled brat too.
Now, wait a minute. You're fighting with them in court over $600? And that threatens the future of the tournament? Something doesn't add up here.....

If your tournament literature defined the Junior division as "Under 14" and he had reached the age of 14, it sounds to me like you guys screwed up and you owe him the money for winning the adult division.

You made a mistake and paid the wrong guy. 'Fess up and pay up and put it behind you.
Is there a signed registration form? Did 14 and under pay less? If the registration form was in error and the kid paid the same as over over 14 then he won. Otherwise send them a copy of what they signed an tell them to get lost. If he won then you need to adjust what others received after being knocked down a place. If you don't have a signed form you've just learned a good lessons on why you should have one.
Under age 14 means age 13 and below.
Try proof reading next time.

Good point on the registration fee.

This is a prime example of why I think fishing competitions are an aberration. Fishing is for relaxing and enjoying the outdoors. Any competition involving more than 3 people and having a prize of more than dinner should be against the law.
There are some good posts on here. It just goes to show just how careful we all need to be when planning things that we think are just simple get togethers, tho it is kind of Sad that we need to be that careful in the first place. Hope all works out.
Its my guess that the only way she'll win, over even get her money back for making such a ridiculous law suit, is to take it to Judgy Judys court room.

What a waste of gravity and oxygen!
She'd have a better chance with judge Joe Brown. Judy would throw her out on her ear. Er rear - whatever.
Just my $.02. If I am understanding this correctly, you made a mistake and advertised the Jr. division as under 14 instead of what you meant to be 14 and under. A fourteen year old won and was awarded the Jr. prize of $100, but his mom wants the $700 for the adult division.

Like I said, if I'm not misunderstanding any of the details, I gotta side with the kid on this. It sounds like the organizers made a mistake and don't want to pay the boy. It sounds like the greed is actually not from the kid's mom, but from the event organizers. I don't think it matters what your intentions were as far as the age groups, but what you were actually advertising.

Good luck resolving the issue. It sounds like a fun event.
there is a link to the page for the turney
After looking at your link to the tournament, I take that as being 14 and under... That is exactly how I said it as I read it. To me it looks like you paid out just the way it reads.. I am on your side.
I just printed that trophies and cash breakdown and showed it to 4 of my fishing friends and they all said 14 and under like I did. so if everything else is worded like that then go to court and make her pay your legal fee's also... you win...
When I click on the rules I get a 404 error. So it's hard to determine what 14under means.
Because, really, 14under can mean anything. 14 under what? It is not specific enough for litigation. The page that shows the winners should not be considered "the rules."
Its really hard to take one side or the other without seeing what participants consented to. But if the tournament organizers made an error, and are trying to drum up a witch hunt to defer blame because their error will prohibit further tournaments, then they don't deserve to put them on.
money changes everything, and if you are going to have cash prizes ya damn well better have things figured out in advance or you'll be the one on the stake with the flames licking your toes!
[quote Troll]Under age 14 means age 13 and below.
Try proof reading next time.

Good point on the registration fee.

This is a prime example of why I think fishing compititions are an aboration. Fishing is for relaxing and enjoying the outdoors. Any compition involving more than 3 people and having a prize of more than dinner should be against the law.

Nothing personal buddy, just thought it was funny that you mentioned proof reading. [laugh]

I checked out the site but it was a 404 on the rules so (even though I wasn't a part of the event) I can't offer any help but it's suspicious that the rules aren't available.

- First fish---$200 Collin Olsen

- Biggest Fish-length---$700 TJ Prickett

- Biggest Fish-gross---$700 Jake Gourdin

- Jr. Biggest Fish- 14under ---$100 Tyler Merrill

- Chili cook-off winner---$100 Linda Evans
[quote wiperhunter2]I GUESS THEY ARE REFERRING TO THIS BELOW, FROM THE MAIN PAGE. Oops, sorry about the caps.

- First fish---$200 Collin Olsen

- Biggest Fish-length---$700 TJ Prickett

- Biggest Fish-gross---$700 Jake Gourdin

- Jr. Biggest Fish- 14under ---$100 Tyler Merrill

- Chili cook-off winner---$100 Linda Evans[/quote]

If it said "under 14" you would lose. As stated "14under" it would appear to be inclusive of both the 14 year olds and the under 14 year olds. You will win if that is the quote reference specified for the suit. [Image: bobwink.gif]
so what if the judge does rule for the kid do you think the other winner should step up or is it not his problem??