Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Riverpark, Mixed bag, 5/8/2011, Dr Phillip Gawthrop
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Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms that may be reading this report. Hope this is the best you ever had. Now on to the report.<br /><br />Dr Phillip Gawthrop and I hit the Riverpark this AM early. First ones on the water. We ran up to the dam to try our luck at Rockfish, but they weren't doing much today. I did catch one little one and you guys will have to help me identify what I believe to be a Cherokee bass (a white bass/Striped bass hybrid). I don't know for sure exactly what it is. The fish was well over 5 lbs and between 21 and 22 inches long. Fought like a demon even at the end of the run just before coming to net. If that was a white bass, then it tops my PB white bass by a couple of lbs. I have caught many hybrids up below Watts Bar and didn't have any trouble identifying them, but this one I'm not sure about. While laying the fish out to measure and seeing that it was between 21 and 22 inches, the fish leaped out of the boat and escaped before I could put the scales on it. emoBang emoBang emoBang I had Dr Phil kick me swiftly in the seat of the pants.<br /><br />We ended up the day with 8 different species of fish caught. One drum (alabama smallmouth) emoBigSmile , one blue catfish, 1 goggle eye, 33 spotted bass, 2 smallmouth bass, one striper, one hybrid, and 7 white bass. We left the fish biting like mad. Doc had a soccer game to attend. Some people just don't have priorities set right. <br /><br />Labman and Nautica man joined us at the dam early on and stayed up there after we left to run downriver to spot fish. I don't know how they did. Hopefully they did better up there than we did. <br /><br />We caught our fish on 1/8 oz jigheads with plastic trailers at the dam, and then tiny flukes glued on 1/16 oz jigs downriver for spotted bass. A very fun morning and another day of discovery. The Lord was good to us today. emoBigSmile emoGeezer