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[mad] Black Comorants are wiping out our reservoirs. I was at one of our local SE Idaho resevoirs this week and counted over 50 of the fish killers swimming around the shallows. I watched one eat three 10-12" fish in less than 15 minutes. That is like 4500 fish a month on this one reservoir!!! I also found 2 dead bass that must have been to big to eat (2-3 pounds), but they were full of small holes where the comarants had beed trying to get them. If nothing is done I'm afraid the bass are going to get wiped out and our money that is spent stocking trout is just turning into bird food.
Something needs to be done.......
I agree whole hardily with you. Also the white pelicans are doing a number on our fish. Every year there are more and more pelicans. Some reservoirs look like snow all over it.
I used to think the declining bass populations on some of our reservoirs were related to over harvesting. But I have noticed as that as the bass populations decrease the black comorant populations increase. Everyplace the bass move up in the spring all I found were 20 comorants swimming around and no live bass.
I can almost tell to the day fish and game stocks the ponds off side of the freeway here in burley as the cormorants and pelicans are all over the ponds. they also follow the fish planted in the river at toms marina for a few days until the fish disperse. Fish and game is aware of the problem and are taking baby steps to try and combat it. last year they sprayed all the pelican nests and eggs with diesel to prevent hatching.
triple s time?