Hi there,
I live in the orange county area, and just recently purchased a float tube, some hodgeman waders and some caddis fins. Does anyone know of any good tubing spots that are not really far away?
[size 2]Congrats on the tube[

] [/size]
[size 2] Newport Bay in Newport/Balboa Pennisula, Anahiem Bay/Huntington Harbor borders Seal Beach and Huntington Beach, Alamitos Bay in LB, Cherry Beach in LB, Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro. Just to mention a few. I have fished all and are particular to Anahiem Bay and Newport Bay, all though Newport is hard to find a good launch point and a good drive summer fishing can produce some nice bass.[/size]
[size 2][cool]Although tubing is not really that dificult to understand or figure out I personally would recommend trying it out on a lake such as Santa Ana, Irvine, Laguna Niguel,etc first.[/size]
[size 2] Give you a chance to test it in calmer waters and get use to using your equipment. Then move onto the ocean.[/size]
[size 2] There are several stories and advise on the " Float Tube " section. I would highly recommend going over there.[/size]
[size 2] Tubedude is the big daddy on that board and you can ask all the questions you want.[

Hey there BFFG,
As a potential saltwater floataholic and fishing buddy, I also insist you visit the Float Tube Board here on BFT and bathe in the ever-lovin, illuminating light of the Master, the potentate of pontoons, duke of donuts, king of kickboats, and titular head of tubing.
the bese advice I can give you is leave your knitting nedles at home and stay away from police oficers caring cups of coffee [blush]
if ya dont get this joke you will soon [sly]
thats great, be sure to let us know how things go as you learn your new skill. as a wanna-be my self I am interested in any snags you run in to. I am sure others would like to know the pit falls as you run in to them.
oops i forgot to log in
I love the billboard!!!!
do you want to go tubin with me, aaron, chris, fishfather, JP, and onewhofishes on sunday?? we are gonna go to alamitos bay
Sorry I cant make it[

] I have to work on the weekends.[

]I'm in a home school program, so if you ever have a fishing event during the week please let me know. Thanks for inviting me. Good luck on your fishing!