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A new boating access site on the southeast side of Devils Lake, along with several other access sites around the lake, are being worked on and should be ready for activity by early summer, according to Bob Frohlich, fisheries development supervisor for the North Dakota Game and Fish Department.

The new access area along ND Highway 20 on the south end of Black Tiger Bay is an alternative to the Black Tiger Bay Recreation Area, which is no longer operable because rising water has topped the county road leading to the popular boat landing and camping area. Because of the flooded road, Game and Fish and State Parks and Recreation can no longer maintain the site, and have removed roadside directional signs.

Fortunately, the new access site is in the same general area, and Game and Fish personnel are working diligently to develop an access road and turnaround area, a 32-foot-wide poured cement ramp, courtesy docks and large parking area.

In addition, work at five other boat ramps around the lake is scheduled for completion by Memorial Day, if weather permits, Frohlich said. "Devils Lake has risen to a record elevation," Frohlich added. "Since the ice went out we're doing everything we can to keep current ramps usable or develop new ones."

Spring work so far includes:

"¢ Pelican Lake will have a temporary slide-in metal ramp constructed on the north side of Highway 19, just east of the junction of old Highway 281. A more permanent site farther east is scheduled for completion later this summer.

"¢ Six Mile Bay (Schwab) turnaround and approach area were raised in early-May to elevation 1,458 feet above mean sea level. The ramps will also be extended to that elevation and will be done one at a time so one ramp is open at all times. "There isn't much slope above 1,458, so that may be as far up as we can raise this site," Frohlich said. "In addition, the high water levels have collapsed the septic system for the fish cleaning station. We are exploring other options to keep the station open and for getting rid of the waste."<br />
"¢ The department is currently working on construction of a high-water ramp immediately north of the existing Creel Bay (Lakewood) ramp site.<br />
"¢ Work is also underway to raise the East Bay parking area and boat ramps to elevation 1,461 msl. That site will be closed while construction is underway.<br />
"¢ The Minnewaukan dump ground site is under water, but the department is pursuing development of a new boating access site to the south on Round Lake, which is connected to Devils Lake. Construction will begin by mid-May. Benson County officials are working with the Federal Highway Administration for approval to breach the old Highway 281 roadbed, which would greatly facilitate access to the main lake.

In addition to these ramps, Spirit Lake Casino ramp is operational. However, Henegar Landing (Dike Area) is closed this summer due to raising the dike that protects the city.

Grahams Island State Park is expected to remain open this summer, but the park is not taking reservations and camping is on a first-come, first-served basis. Those planning on using the park should call ahead (701-766-4015) for road conditions, camping availability and whether the ramp is useable. The Game and Fish Department's appropriations bill includes a $400,000 grant to the Parks and Recreation Department for costs associated in raising the elevation of the access road from ND Highway 19.

Walleye, northern pike and white bass populations are all in very good shape, Frohlich said, and should continue to provide great fishing opportunities for years to come.

Anglers and boaters can access the Game and Fish Department's website,, throughout the summer to find the current status of Devils Lake boat ramps.