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Full Version: Lake Powell - Bullfrog
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I achieved one of my fishing goals for 2011. That was to make the trip with my two boys to Bullfrog to get in some Lake Powell fishing. We arrived late Saturday evening May 14 and set up camp at Staton Creek. Sunday morning we launched and headed to Knowles Canyon to set up boat camp.
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The w%*! was blowing pretty hard so we started off fishing from shore at camp. My youngest son (BIGbites) decided he wanted to see how many casts it would take to catch the first fish of the trip. On cast three he hooked into and landed a nice smallmouth bass. My older son and I got into the action and landed several smallmouth and walleye. I also caught a large gizzard shad that put up an excellent fight. The catching was consistent at camp and once conditions got better I had a hard time convincing BIGbites we should go to some other areas and try to locate some stripers. Eventually we headed out to an area near the mouth of Knowles Canyon but conditions still made it a challenge to fish anywhere except the protected coves.
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BIGbites had a goal that he wanted to catch his first carp on this trip. After failed attempts at catching one using plastic grubs, tube jigs and desperate attempts at netting surface slurpers as they came by the boat, he accomplished it by drowning a night crawler from shore at camp Tuesday evening. He also ended up catching several catfish this way fishing into the night.
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We caught a mess of walleye, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, crappie, channel catfish, bluegill, green sunfish, my gizzard shad and BIGbites carp. We never did get into the stripers but we didn't really go after them either. I guess we will have to go again soon to get into the stripers.
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We fished and explored Knowles, Cedar and Forgotten Canyons Sunday through Tuesday before heading for home to beat the storm that was brewing Wednesday morning. It was great times spent with my two sons. Definitely a trip my sons and I will remember.
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Water temps in areas we fished ranged from 64 to 67 degrees. The mud line had not reached this part of the lake yet but the water was very green.