05-21-2011, 09:00 AM
<br /> Hit the lake around 5:30 for a few hours. Headed directly to a shoreline dropoff leading away from some spawning grounds. Caught two fish in the first three casts, so I figured I was onto something. Fished the area for approximately two hours, and came away with 10 total fish, not counting the 3-4 that came off. 8 largemouth, 1 spot, and a crappie. Of the 8 largemouth, 6 would have measured, with 4 of the 6 almost identical size wise. The strangest fish I caught was the one that was horizontally challenged. The girth was the size of the fish shown in the picture, while the fish barely measured 11 inches on the Rule. Great day overall, with all fish being caught in 4-10 feet of water. Put in at the Chick, and battled the Dragonboats and some huge speed boat that took up 2/3 of the boat ramp. I was amused watching the guy try to load the boat when I left. <br />