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Full Version: snake river 5/21
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Sturgeon fished the Snake on Saturday for a few hours. The water is super high but everyone already knows that. Started the morning by catching one before I had time to cast the second rod. The rest of the day was ok. Got a bite once in a while and ended up landing three. I talked to fish and game as we were leaving and they checked my cooler for fish. I did have some leftover bait and since the crappie fishing has been so slow I'm using trout for bait. The officer didn't have any problem with us using trout for cutbait and removing their heads/tails. That was interesting since we had had that conversation earlier this year on BFT. So far my goal of catch sturgeon every month of 2011 is going along nicely (Jan-1, Feb-1, March-10, April-4, May-6). Going out again tomorrow so hopefully increase the numbers again. Hopefully the crappie/perch fishing will take off here soon too, we will see I guess. Oh yeah, one of the ones we caught Saturday was really small too. It's nice to see baby sturgeon once in a while. Here's a couple pics of this trip and the one before.
Nice pics glad to see someone landing them in the high water [cool]
if you don't mind my asking where were you? and how big were they the last picture looks 6+
There is no problem using trout, or any other gamefish for bait. You just have to follow rules. Ron
Each of them were caught at different spots along the river between Grand View and CJ Strike dam. The fish in that last picture was pretty big. I did not have a tape measure that day or marks on the boat to measure it but I use 7' rods and it was about a foot longer than my rod so I guess about 8'. We went out again Tuesday and Wednesday and managed to land 6 more. The biggest right at 7' and smallest about 5'. Ended up calling it early though because of the wind.