The idea was to float the South Fork from Pali

es Dam to Swan Valley Bridge over Memorial Day Weekend, but that obviously isn't going to happen. My friend's fiance's father has some land in Swan Valley that we're planning on camping on, and we'd love to get out and fish, but from what I've heard Pali

es is pretty much a river at this point and the South Fork is high (like ya'll don't know it).
Are there any spots up that way that are fishable right now? I'm not very familiar with the creeks and back-country up there. Would it be possible to fish the reservoir from the bank?
Thanks guys.

es today is still low and extremely muddy. I am not sure where anyone could lauch a boat as there is so much mud around anywhere you would normally go. Even up at the upper end where you may try on the flats when the lake is low is all mud soaked.
I don't know what the exact CFS they are releasing right now at the dam but the gates on the far side appear to be open all of the way. A LOT of water coming out of there. I am not sure they can release much more water and keep the river in it's banks downstream. It is going to be that way I think for a few weeks until we see some melt off up high go away. All of the creeks in that area are also muddy that I have seen. Maybe I hadn't paid as much attention in the past but I don't think I have ever seen the water coming out of the dam so muddy before. The lake has usually filtered it somewhat by then from how I remember it. Pine Creek is out of its banks in many places and real close to the road in places.
With that being said I am not sure lots of people will be over that way this weekend. There are places you could go and sink a worm on the bank. Pull outs here and there with varying degrees of difficulty getting to the lake shore as far as brush beating and steepness and mud go. Some areas around Big Elk and Blowout are easier than others. Fishing below the dam may be the best spot in that area to go.
Have to check the regs up there, most of the streams bellow the dam are classified as cutthroat spawning streams and they close down from I think March 1st until July 1st with the new regs. May want to look them over real close before dipping a line in up there. After they are open I love the fishing in the streams up that way. Fall Creek is good with flys and McCoy creek is a favorite also. Good luck, not much up that way that I think will be fishable or is open for memorial.
Looks like Pali

es and tributaries have a no harvest rule on cutts, but I'm not seeing anything about them being closed - would it be under specific water names? I really know nothing about the area, Big Elk Creek is about the only one I'm even remotely familiar with. South Fork tributaries are closed to fishing between 4/1 and 6/30 - that would cover Pine Creek right?
Pine Creek is under South Fork Tributary . Open July 1 through March 31 . 6 trout no Cutthroughts . Pali

es Res. does not have a special Cuttrought rule . You can keep six Trout of any kind . If I was you I would just find the best place to get down to water on Pala

es and chuck some worms out . Curt G.
Big Elk, Little Elk, Pali

es, Pine Creek all closed until July 1.
From the regulations:

es Reservoir tributaries
• Trout limit is 6, no harvest of cutthroat trout"
"South Fork Snake River tributaries
• July 1 through March 31 – trout limit is 6, no
harvest of cutthroat trout
• April 1 through June 30 – closed to fishing"
Big and Little Elk as tributaries of Pali

es are open, but no cutts.
Pine and Pali

es as tribs of So Fork are closed.
Well, looks like we're heading to Boise with the kiddos. Might fit some fishing in (definitely will if the weather permits). We have some family out there that we haven't seen in a while, and they usually come to us so it would be nice to reverse that a bit. Staying in a hotel instead of camping, looking to create a bunch of good memories from the kids (my parents never really roamed at all, looking to avoid that with my kids).
Looking at family fishing waters in the southwest region, there are quite a few kid friendly spots really close to Boise...shouldn't be too hard to get in a spot. My goal is to have at least one fish on each of my kids' lines. They'll still be happy with trout, but I'm hoping for some crappie or catfish for them...I hear bass are a little bit more work to catch, which doesn't work so well with short attention spans. Even if there are no fish, there's the pool at the hotel. That's always a winner with the kids though my goals won't be met if that's the case =P.
Anyway, any suggestions that way would be awesome...sorry to switch it up on you. Let me know if you think I should edit the subject, lol.
Merrel park pond in eagle was one of my old favorites. There are always plenty of fish to catch (even if its just bluegill). There are also quite a few bass and trout in the pond. IMO best option to catch some fish easily in the area.
eagle island state park on the boise river is always a good bet for stocked trout and nice family friendly setting.