09-12-2003, 12:13 AM
[size 2] I was driving to work when the attack occured. I arrived just in time to see the first tower colapse. I could not believe what I was seeing. I could not take my eyes off the tv.[/size]
[size 2] I, as a Californian would like to express my deepest condulences to the citizens, families and Emergency Workers of NY. [/size]
[size 2] All though I did not lose anyone and feel very fortunate I still feel your cities pain and loss.[/size]
[size 2] As a former Soldier of this great nation I felt the injustice done but cannot help feel an incredible sense of pride to see the way NY citizens responded.[/size]
[size 2] Keep the faith NY, Stay Strong and God Bless NY.[/size]
[size 2]
[size 2] I, as a Californian would like to express my deepest condulences to the citizens, families and Emergency Workers of NY. [/size]
[size 2] All though I did not lose anyone and feel very fortunate I still feel your cities pain and loss.[/size]
[size 2] As a former Soldier of this great nation I felt the injustice done but cannot help feel an incredible sense of pride to see the way NY citizens responded.[/size]
[size 2] Keep the faith NY, Stay Strong and God Bless NY.[/size]
[size 2]