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[cool][#0000ff]With all the crazy weather I have had to just watch for a brief window and then go fishing. Sometimes I don't know exactly where I will go until I get up in the morning and check current forecasts.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This morning I had already ruled out Willard. First thought I might hit the Knolls but forecast was for wind from the SW. Yeah...right. I decided to hit Lincoln Beach. It fishes better with southerly breezes. Only problem was that the north wind started about 9:30 and got stronger all day.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Almost couldn't find the end of the south dike at Lincoln Beach. The high water has left only about a foot above water and is eroding what is left. Got launched inside the channel about 7ish. Air temp 43 and water temp 56 at launch. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No fish around the ends of the dikes so I motored over to the shallow cove by the pump house. Got a few whities fairly quickly and then hooked up with a "dorsal diner"...carp. Didn't keep the white bass but did keep the carp for future "reference". [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Worked down into the channel, fan casting and picking up a few more white bass. When they slowed down I rigged one rod with a bobber, 3 feet of leader, a bobberhead jig and a minnow. That was the beginning of a couple of hours of enjoys. If I plopped the bobber anywhere within about 10 feet of the reeds it did not float very long. Sometimes it seemed like it sunk as soon as it plunked down. Lots of cookie cutter kitties in the skinny water today...and they wanted to play. Fun fun.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]At one point it had slowed down for a few minutes and I picked up my tandem jig rig to pitch for whities while the minnow was soaking under the bobber. Down went the bobber and I got a firm smack at the same time on my jigs. Oh dear. What to do? I set the hook on the bobber rod and put it back in the holder to allow the fish to fight itself while I reeled in whatever was on the jig. Turned out to be a 21 inch walleye. Then I picked up the kitty pole and finished rasslin' with another cookie cutter kitty. Plumb wore me out. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That was my only walleye...but I ain't complainin'. Probably got 15 or 16 cats all together. Kept a limit of 8 for the smoker. Tossed back all the whities today...maybe 15 to 20. Nothing big and onesies and twosies. No concentrations.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Actually, I could have gone home at 9:30 and would have still have had a good day. I had my four species slam and plenty to take home. But that was when the cold north wind came up. Water temp had risen to 58.5 by then but never got over 59 before I got off the water about 1. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]At one point I wondered if there might be some action down near Benjamin Slough so I kicked and fished my way down there. Reminded me that I had sprained my right ankle last week. Dumb. Especially since there was little action there. Got one white bass and one small kitty in about 2 hours of diligent effort.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Motored back to the cove as the wind was still blowing from the north. Finished up way down inside the cove. The water temp there was a balmy 62...being in a protected area and getting some water from warm springs upstream. But only kitties were there to greet me...and tell me goodbye when I packed it in.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]A few bank tanglers fishing the end of the south dike. They were making short casts off the bank with worms and cut up white bass meat. Catching an occasional whitie and a few bullheads. Should be a lot of bullhead action off the dikes when the water warms up again.[/#0000ff]
Sounds Like a great day especially with the walleye. I hope to get out this weekend. Happy Fishin TD[sly]
[#0000ff]Good luck with the weather...and the fish.[/#0000ff]
I still want to trade Henry's lake for Utah lake. Looks like you had a bunch of fun. Ron
[cool][#0000ff]If all you are offering to trade for Utah Lake is a Henry's Lake...NO DEAL. The rate of exchange for cats to cutts is much higher than that.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I tell a lot of folks that I have fished all over the country and I can't think of many waters that offer even close to the quantity and diversity of poor old Utah Lake. It gets a bad rap from past bad treatment but it is in good shape ecology-wise these days and the fish are both plentiful and palatable. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have NEVER been skunked on Utah Lake.[/#0000ff]
[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]I have NEVER been skunked on Utah Lake.[/#0000ff][/quote]

Hmmm. I managed a skunk my first try. [:/]
Oh come on, were you really trying?????[laugh][laugh][laugh]
I will throw in a Browning round tube to sweeten the deal.[fishon]
[cool][#0000ff]What can I say. You are just better than I am. Those stupid fish won't leave me alone.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have been fishing Utah Lake since the early 1960's and I truly cannot remember ever being skunked. I have had some one fish near misses but have always caught at least something...even if it was just a cold.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As the years have gone by and my experience and knowledge have increased I have definitely had more quality trips with some absolutely barnburner ones. But that lake does treat some people with a lot of hostility and disdain.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]Ooh - ooh - ooh. What a bargain. Let me run that by my board of directors. They might want you to add a pair of those green paddle pushers.[/#0000ff]
Don't give up. Utah Lake can be tough if you are new to fishing or new to fishing Utah Lake. Lots of good info to be had here though. TubeDude has some great writeups and there are plenty of folks willing to give tips and tricks. The fun part is up to you.

I really love Utah Lake. It has so many species in it and it truly a box of fishing never know what you are gonna get. If the forecast of warmer temps holds for next week, expect some good fishing for white bass, channel cats, and hopefully bluegill (my favorite!).
I have a ton to learn. I've been devouring Tube Dude's write ups, so at some point I'll start to put it to good use. I have my toon licensed now, and finally have a little feel for the Knolls, so this weekend I'll probably see some of you out there.

I just want that first good fish fight on the toon.
Good fishin',Pat!

I've been meaning to ask. With your motorized Fat Cat, do you have the head turned so that the motor is pulling you like the pontoon boaters on here have their boats set up?

God Bless,
[quote smallmouth89]Good fishin',Pat!

I've been meaning to ask. With your motorized Fat Cat, do you have the head turned so that the motor is pulling you like the pontoon boaters on here have their boats set up?

God Bless,

[cool][#0000ff]Yessir. Only way to fly...errrr, float.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is even more necessary to reverse the head for float tubing than for a pontoon. The motor is less efficient while dragging a tuber...with legs dangling in the water...than it is to pull a small boat or pontoon across the TOP of the water. No way you can move forward efficiently, with the motor on the back. There are a very few times when I need to put the motor in "reverse" move forward a few feet...and it is very inefficient.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]When I set up my motor before sitting down and launching I usually lock it down facing straight back and fully lowered into the water...with no angle on the shaft. I have an on/off switch for quick shutoff...or short or long runs. Then I have an extension handle that I use only for changing the speeds. I usually just keep it on high speed since I do not troll and generally only use the motor for short runs...or for going back in on a long run.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]With this setup I either lean over and put my elbow on the switch...for short moves...or pull the arm over on the switch to lock it on. I steer with my fins and it requires very little effort to make a straight run...or even to make a fairly tight turn...without having to use the control arm of the motor.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That could never happen with the motor mounted on the back without having the head rotated.[/#0000ff]