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Has anyone been by Echo recently? How's the water level/clarity now that run-off is overflowing the Weber? can you launch a boat at the resort? Has anyone fished it recently? Wondering how the fluctuating water levels have affected the feeding habits of the trout.

I drove past it today. It is full and is spilling a bit. It looked very colored. Chalk Creek was dumping very muddy water. The Weber is running bank full out of Rockport and is pretty colored. There was no one on the water at 2 PM, Very windy. It was not so high that the area west of the freeway was flooded.

Was up their on monday it was pretty much fishing in chocolate milk clarity was not good at all and the fishing sucked. did see one boat on the water so you should be able to launch.Good luck if you go
Thanks for all of the information. Might make my pick different for the weekend. How about East Canyon? My guess is the run-off water is not a turbid.