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"'I Want Off This Boat!'"<br><br>When our friends invited us to go with them on a party fishing boat, I only heard the word "party". "Sure",I chirped in my usual 'act before thinking way'. When my husband reminded me that I hated killing anything, even insects, I assured him I probably wouldn't catch a thing, and that it would be a new fun experience.<br><br>I was right about the first thing, and wrong on the second. We arrived at the appointed time, 7TongueM, to board a large fishing vessel, armed with food, booze, and fishing poles. We ate and drank on the hour long ride out to the deep part of the ocean. "Fishing is fun", I kept repeating somewhat drunkenly. We hadn't fished yet, but I was having a blast.<br><br>As soon as we dropped anchor, I began to notice two things. The first was that the ocean seemed to be out of control; the waves were enormous. At the same time, my stomach started its own wave-like motion. Fishing was becoming less fun by the minute.<br><br>A large pail of something called "chum" was being passed around for us to use as bait. It was the most disgusting looking mess I had ever laid eyes on, and my stomach agreed. Fishing had gone from fun to less fun to not fun at all. <br><br>Going below deck, I discovered I was not the only one who was miserable. Many of the previously enthusiastic party people were now half sitting half lying at the long rows of tables. Some had not made it to the bathroom in time. I was on a boat from hell, and I wanted off.<br><br>My husband, one of the few who who was actually fishing instead of heaving, checked on me from time to time. "Fish are really biting", he reported happily. "I'm glad you talked me into this. Come on up and get some fresh air. Make you feel better," he added helpfully. If the boat had sunk at that moment, I wouldn't have cared. <br><br>By now, many of us were literally begging the captain to take us back before the night was over. Many, myself included, were actually offering to PAY him to take us back early. Mercifully, he agreed, when it was clear there were more sick people than fishing people. The fish were having a very good night.<br><br>We finally got back to the harbor, into our cars, and back home. My bed felt like heaven, and soon my fishing expedition seemed like a bad dream, from which I had finally awoken. I will always appreciate the simple things in life, like the fact that I live on land, not the ocean!<br><br>by susanne2740 : Wednesday 11 October, 2000 <br><br><br>Submit your Fishing Adventure Stories to win great prizes at ReMemory.Com