06-09-2011, 09:00 AM
<br /> Fished with Hal today for the first time in many moons. Actually way before the spawn because I stayed at the Riverpark during the crappie spawn. He picked up where he left off, catching a nice crappie on his first or second cast. I wanted to take his picture, but he said no, we will get one later. Then we both being older simply forgot to take a pic of him. If you want to see him, look a cuonthelake&#39;s post.<br /> I caught my 6th TARP crappie at the bridge, a strong 14.5 inch black crappie and we both caught several more before deciding to fish other spots. <br /> I took Hal to an offshore spot and we continued to catch quality crappie for a while. Then we continued to other spots. I wanted to try a spot that I marked on the graph and didn&#39;t get to fish the other day. It turned out to be a gold mine of a spot. I caught my 7th TARP black crappie there. A beautiful 15.0 inch fish. The fish were loaded in that place, but they were over 25 feet deep mostly. We did catch a few a little bit more shallow than that, but most bites came after a long drop of the jig. We were sitting in 32 feet of water and fishing a break on a delta structure. Most bites were very subtle. We caught fish on several color, but the hottest lure today was a patriot fished on a 1/16 oz jig. I also caught several fish on ghost with a chartreuse tail light. We fished 1 bluff and Hal caught a nice crappie and I caught a little largemouth bass. Had 1 channel cat and 1 blue cat as well. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, 1 yellow bass and a very nice white bass that hit my jig like a freight train as I was reeling it back up to make another cast. It almost too my rod out of my hand. I saw the fish flash on the jig and then wham! 45 crappie with most being quality fish. We released both tarps and most of the bigger fish as well. I kept 1 limit for the freezer. emoBig
emoGeezer <br />