06-09-2011, 09:00 AM
Promised Lily a boat ride and a swim after I fished for a while, so I left her at the house howling as I zoomed off to find emoFish ....Nuttin, Nuttin, Nuttin, I was fishing deep docks with not much clearance, what up with the lake? I got discourage real quick after my 3rd dock, I couldn't catch wind, so I headed back home to the creek and ran into DK and Dr. Phil. Got some advise from the emoTeacher as I watched him bring in one crappie after another. All Dr. Phil and I could do was just
and shake our heads, how does he do it? emoScratch Finally after just leaving that electric chicken deep I saw my line just slightly move to the right and I set the hook, only fish I actually landed today in the boat. A couple got off just as I got them to the boat, but they where just babies, maybe slightly bigger than a minnow emoBig
....BassERT joined in on the patience fishing lesson for the day, nice to finally meet him, enough was enough of working on my patience , so back to the house to get Ms. Lily. She had a nice swim and boat ride, and she made me retrieve her big orange, thats what I get for leaving her at the house! One nice thing when I got back to the house my water lilys where blooming, and my gold fish where deep.... so maybe I should have paid better attention to what the goldfish are doing before I leave to go fish again!