06-13-2011, 04:24 AM
Decided to hit up Cutler this afternoon to further investigate a spot that my fishing buddy and I were having some success at last night when we ran out of day. This is the first year that I've had a boat, so I'm discovering a whole lot more to this place than I knew about from shore. Anywho, we weren't having success in the shallower places where I've caught catfish in years past, so we decided to try deep. Found a place where we were in 8ft of water without too much of a current and anchored up. 10 minutes into dropping anchor and getting our lines into the water. I had a pretty good bite on one of my poles. As soon as I had the hook set, I could tell that this one was big. I had a further indication of how big this fish was when it tried to swim under the boat and my 6' medium action ugly stick bent completely in half from me trying to keep it away from the anchor rope. Having never caught a fish this big from a boat, the one thing I wasn't expecting was having to fight it straight up. This thing would not budge. I understand what you lake trout fisherman mean about not wanting to fight a fish vertically. All told, we did manage to land it and weigh it. 13 lbs on the nose.
Rest of the day was a pretty good success as well with one other fish of similar size breaking my friend's line after only a glimpse and several other cats ranging from the 4 lb range on down. All were caught on worms or carp meat.
Rest of the day was a pretty good success as well with one other fish of similar size breaking my friend's line after only a glimpse and several other cats ranging from the 4 lb range on down. All were caught on worms or carp meat.