Sweet pics [cool] looks like a blast thanks for the report.
There ya go man! Wish I could have joined ya - I've been missing Sand Hollow.
Soon enough! You and me are taking a trip!
Ya man.. lets go when you get back from your trip. I ended up just buying my year license up in Utah . So I will be going up there much more this year.
Heya James,
I went out to Sandy cove with the kids today(no fishing) to meet some of the guys from work and April happened to be there. She told me all about your trip then I just got home and read it again. I'm glad you guys got into them.
I guess it's totally natural to me for girls to fish seeing that my mom taught me to fish, but it sure is funny the strange looks people give you when you're talking fishing to a girl. The looks get even funnier when said girl answers back and knows her shit.
Wow, thats crazy. We where there 6/12 and 6/13. It looks like we camped in the same exact spot as you guys. My regular cameras battery was dead so I could only take pics with my wifes I-pad. Our pictures where limited but we took some of the campsite when we got there. Does this area look familiar lol?? Picnic table in the water haha.
That spot is so cool. The bass where more on the backside of the reeds when I was there. A guy in a tube was killing it on the backside of the reeds. I just caught a few in the shallows there. It might have been cause there was a bunch of kids in the shallows bluegill fishing. The kids where actually in the water waist deep tracking down bluegills all day lol. I think they where scaring the bass away. So I had to join in on the bluegill hunt lol. We caught so many. The people next to us had a bluegill fish fry for reals. The entire family ate bluegill lol. I dont want to hijack your post, so let me get back on my Sand Hollow post haha. I just thought that was cool we where almost in the same exact spot.
A bunch of us should go back, we had so much fun, the people next to us where hard core lol.
NICE FISH! That last pic is really nice size - I've gotta go to sandhollow, I've only been once and it was just to check it out