I decided to hit up Lincoln Beach on saturday in my float tube, and to my surprise, I actually did quite well. I launched around 10:30, and I kicked over to the reeds south of the boat launch. I was targeting catfish, so I was throwing out worms and cut bait. The cut bait wasn't hitting, but worms were working great. I ended up catching 9 channel cats, 5 bullhead, 1 bluegill, and 1 june sucker. I released all of them. The channel cats were all between 2-3 lbs, nothing really big. The june sucker was the biggest of the day coming in at just over 7 lbs. I have never landed anything that big out of my float tube before, it was kind of a rush. All in all, a great day out on the tube, and definitely my best day on utah lake this year.
I've heard than June sucker tastes a little like bald eagle.
I know little about June Suckers but I didnt think they got that big.
Congrats on a successful day.
I'm not even really sure if it was a june sucker or not, I have never actually seen one before. I wish I could've gotten a picture of it, but I am not very good at handling fish in my float tube yet, and it got away from me as I was weighing it. The reason I thought it was a june sucker is that it looked like a carp but its head was slanted forward and its mouth was like a tube facing down. I guess it could just be a weird looking carp, but if it was a carp, I am

that it got away. I try not to let carp live if I can help it.
Sounds like a carp. Some of the bigger beasties are built like a tank and they have "bottom-feeding" mouth.
Could have been a mirror carp. They're pretty funky looking too.
i've seen carp that were bright yellow to poo brown on the same day out of there.
If it made your hands stink, it was probably a carp. If you heard a liberal cry, it might have been a june sucker....
Can't wait till July, then we can catch July suckers!