Well went to Mantua first thing Sun morning with Bro in law. Water was nice weather was nice. Caught a really nice Rainbow. Didn't realize they got that big in there. Then good old mother nature had to come and do the usual! Wind and everything cooled down just like the fishing.
Then on top of all that. RoboCop decided to give us a $50 parking ticket!!!!! REALLY! There was no parking everything was full so I pulled of the side of the road. Yes it is posted but it was posted facing out to the road. I was in the parking lot looking for a place to park. No sign any where. Anyway, pretty lame! End of the day just a warning to people that maybe don't go there often. There was about 5 others parked off the road....
Maybe Mantua could make a bigger parking lot for there lake....when you think about it why else does anyone ever go there but to fish :-)
Ahh, the tales of Barney Fife keep getting bigger. There are others who have had issues with him, so you're not alone.
Nice one getting the big 'Bow!
I have to wonder if Barney is paid on commission.
There ia an overflow parking area past the boat ramp.
There is also some parking over on the back side.
My question is, who enforces the amount of boats allowed on Mantua?
Is it Barney?
We were there all weekend and I had to be "creative" in our parking as well there were people parked all over the place in the parking lot on Saturday he must have had that day off thank goodness... We only caught one LMB all day Saturday so we never even launched the boat on Sunday which was a good thing we picked up camp and just as I hooked up the trailer the rain came in...good job on the rainbow though glad someone caught something Sunday lol
Thank you for the info on the parking. I didn't know about that. This is only my 3rd time there with a boat! My bro law cleaned up there a few weeks ago....but it was sunny. I swear that place shuts down with even cloud cover...:-)
Don't worry I have had two run in's with him. He kinda likes to hnt kids down and nit pick em for like fishing off the dock. He got me for making a cast in my float tube while i was apparently too close to the dock.
It seems so lame!!!! If the mayor of that town was smart he would set up a nice burger joint across the street and tell that cop to go write more speeding tickets in the canyon!!!! Any other town he would be a rent a cop!!!!
The parking area past the ramp has been blocked off by giant boulders for about a month now. Also signs in that area that say no parking, I'm under the impression that someone doesn't want us to park there either.
There are some fatties in there for sure. Glad you got on some. Expensive fish though, eh? Sign sign - everywhere a sign. There must have been a lot of boats if the boat-lot was full. They have added more parking at the NE and SE corners - but not for a trailer.
Seems they don't ticket the S. Road during ice-season. That's good! (don't give em any ideas!)
Now - you sure it was a Rainbow and not one of the bigger Cutts that got planted? They plopped a few 17-22inchers about a month back. No picture, can't judge, nor would I try. One thing - those bows can fight, and get awfully acrobatic!
Have you seen TDs updated map? It includes the new parking areas, and the new docks.
So what - no bass, no bluegills? Glad you got out, but you need to catch some catfish bud!
Coyote! I know the difference between a Cutt and a Rainbow! Fished trout my whole life. I also know they planted Cutt in there!!!! But believe it or not...there are fish in there that do get big that haven't been caught before...
He needs to stop busting people for little things like that and pay attention to the crap going on down by the new launch area. I'm pretty sure there were some girls turning tricks down in the new parking area, I've heard of cars getting broken into down there, the last time I was there, there were a bunch of teenagers killing pretty much anything in sight, followed by a couple of adults trying to kill the ducks as well. Though I've caught some nice bass there, I think I'm pretty much done with Mantua. Too many dirt bags, ski boats and just too much pressure for my tastes.
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who has had a problem with the law up there. A few years ago I went float tubing with my son and my nephew. When we got back into the beach my son took a couple of casts, not knowing that fishing wasn't allowed from the beach because the signs weren't right there. Not a soul was around because it was a weekday. The officer came by and jumped on my son. Was ready to give him a citation, but then said he would let him go if we all left the reservoir and didn't come back the rest of the day. Really? I complained to the mayor, saying how it was clear that Mantua really didn't want people to come to their little town. Apparently they still don't care.
They do not care. I think you are right. It almost seems like they just don't want people there. I'm good with that. The fishing isn't good enough to get harassed by some want a be cop!!!! Good job RoboCop you caught a kid fishing to close to the dock!!!!! But lets turn our eyes away from the drug dealing and vandels! They probably pay him off....
I feel the same about the town of mantua. They don't like us invading them. Brigham City owns the reservoir and that to is probably a rub to mantua.
If they had a law officer that was worth anything, he would be taking care of the real problems up there and not just trying to scare kids.
I'll still fish there though.
If you think about it almost every place that's somewhat close to home is over run with undesirable people looking to cause trouble.
Even farther away, Blue Lake is worse.
I guess we just have to live with it.
Yeah your right. But I just try and fish where most people don't try to get to. Even if I have to hike for a while. But all the rivers are so freaking high I have to settle for the little ponds. :-)
[quote 12inchlunker]
Coyote! I know the difference between a Cutt and a Rainbow! Fished trout my whole life. I also know they planted Cutt in there!!!! But believe it or not...there are fish in there that do get big that haven't been caught before...[/quote]
Or might have been caught and released. Those ice-ers don't seem to want trout, just Gills.
I know I know - was ribbin ya. Didn't your bro-n-law land one right after they got planted, and couldn't believe it?
Ok - so now you're talking Kama-loops right? How many fins does she got? I've been very impressed with both the girth and the shoulder strength of them Mantua trout. It's a pretty nutrient rich lake as they go. Don't think it's dried up just yet. Here's a solid 16"er from last fall. Some of the colors on the males are just gorgeous!
Is this the first Cutt planting there? Or has that been done in the past? Wondered if it's an experiment.
Hated to hear Leaky's report last fall of getting his car busted into while he was out enjoying a float. Been worried for that - having TOO much tackle "stored" in my ride. I make it easy on 'em, just leave a rod out as a donation. (grrr)
Seriously - that area (Mantua) is one of the nation's most infamous "speed traps". Where were they when some ski boat went past us (faster than the marked speed limit) with some gal hanging out her tatas. My daughter made the comment "she had her thingy's out!". Well at least is wasn't some dude hanging a wiz over the side! (won't mention names here)
Here - I found TD's newest Mantua Map. Includes the new parking 'zones'. I think we'll be heading over there pretty soon - try out the new "ride".
[cool][#0000ff]Cutts have been in there for years. Not many and seldom get over about 20". But an interesting novelty once in a while.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About the "overexposure" at high speed. You never know what they are trolling for...or what bait they will be using.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I almost got run over in my float tube on Pineview quite a few years ago. I was fishing off a point and heard several motors coming in my direction...and a lot of hooting and hollering. Seems like a lady on water skis had "lost" her top and a whole bunch of guys in other boats were tagging along to shout encouragement...and immoral support. They didn't see me (S'prise) and a couple of boats literally bounced off the side of my tube. Took some bow wakes over the gunnel that day. My laundry bill also went up.[/#0000ff]
[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]My laundry bill also went up.[/#0000ff][/quote]
Is that because your shirt got wet? Or because the stains on your shorts were hard to remove?
In the stocking reports it shows they put in just under 400 cutts in the 20in range
"In the stocking reports it shows they put in just under 400 cutts in the 20in range"
That *could* be part of the reason the 'gills and perchlettes are few and far between.