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Full Version: Float Tubing June 14th
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It was so nice to see the sun and calm skies after such a long bout of really lousy weather. I loaded up my Renegade and motor and headed out to do a little prospecting to find some willing fish in a different reservoir.

I ended up having to do a little detouring to avoid some field burning, so I thought I would just take a side trip up into the hills, and look at some creeks while I was at it. Yep, they are still running pretty high and off color.
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Then I thought about seeing if I could get up a bit higher and look as some tributaries that I wanted to investigate.

This is really turning into a major detour now. As you can see I am easily distracted and have a short attention span!

The road was not great in spots, but it was ok. There was no mud, and it wasn’t soft, so I wasn’t damaging it by being on it too soon. When it had dried out, it left one or two of these “mud puddles”. Good thing that there is a nice hard rock base in this area, otherwise I may have been using my float tube in this lake in the road!
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So after a bit of a hike…….Success! This little feeder stream is running higher, but is almost completely clear. I am practically dancing in anticipation when I spot a fish in a side pool. I can hardly wait to try this creek out. I love small creek fishing!
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As I was rigging up my 4wt rod, I realized that most of what I had with me is for lake fishing! I know I have nymphs and streamers but, I like to fish little streams with small dries. I began searching franticly through my junk, and I found that once again my packrat tendencies will pull me through. I have a small box of dries with me - Perfect! …… but looks like it is chapstick for floatant again. I wonder if the fish prefer SPF 15 or 30??

It is sure beautiful up here! The wild flowers are amazing, and everything is so green.
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There are lots of bugs in the air -- from midges to an occasional mayfly and even a stray caddis thrown in every once in awhile. I tied on a little elk hair caddis, and holding my breath I cast it out. Nope, two snubs and a splashy tail flip said that that was a poor choice. I hadn’t been there 10 minutes, and I was already changing flies! I tied on a parachute adams and bingo! We have a winner!

Little native cutthroats – how sweet it is.
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Needless to say I spent the day on the creek. My float tube just went along with me for the ride!
Gotta say, we have taken our Pontoons for a little road trip before...LOL
AWESOME pictures and fish...right on!
awesome post and pictures... bet it got your motor running being out on a small stream again... and then topping it off with catching some fish.. :-)...

MacFly [cool]
[center][Image: happy.gif]Nice story & pictures.
Love it !
