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Full Version: Island Park Res. 6/14
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Trolled IP for 5 hours and only landed 3 fish . I lost a bunch . I was using a spoon called a Kamalooper . It is very heavy for it's size and when the fish would jump they would through the hook . I am going to change the hooks out to some red lazer sharps and try again . There were a lot of fish out in the fingers on west end , but the water clarity was bad . You could only see your lures about a foot down . So I move into clearer water out from Trudes and started getting hits again . I have only been stuck by a hook past the barb twice in the last 60 year and yesterday was one of them . I was 7 the first time so I hope it's another 53 years before it happens again . I know a trick to remove them but couldn't use it because the hook was in my middle finger on my left hand and it takes two hands to use the method and I was by myself . So I just bit the bullet and grabbed the lure with my leatherman and jerked it out . Went back to camp and drank beer till it stopped hurting . Curt G.
That hook in the finger thing sucks!

Those Kamaloopers are the ticket for PaliSades as well! [Image: bobwink.gif]
PalaSades was the first place I used them . I was fishing with a friend that had some and we did well on them . We were catching Cutthroughts and Browns and they didn't jump and through the hook like the rainbows do . The bites I was getting yesterday , my rod tip would go down and the fish would hit the air . Two or three jumps and limp line ? It was fun better than getting skunked . Curt G. P.S. does anyone know a store in this area that sales them . Sportsmans stopped selling them .
Good report. I haven't camped up there in a while. I need to make a point of trying it again. Sorry about your finger. I've done that. It isn't fun.

I'll keep an eye out for them - they're Acme Kamloopers right?

I've taken up finding the sporting good section in just about all the stores around town that have one and staring for a while, wishing my wallet was thicker.

Have you tried Cal Ranch?
Thats what I am looking for , and some good prices too . I was having my best luck on the yellow one that is 2" long not counting the hook . Curt G.
I bought mine at Sportsman's when they still carried them and yes, the yellow spoon catches the most fish. [Image: happy.gif]
Typically they are casting spoons used in the spring as you mentioned at PaliSades when shore casting.