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Does Utah lake have Crawfish?
nope. Welcome to the forum
Not 100% sure, but I believe someone in here said that they were in there, but few and far between.
thanks, Guys i will try anyways, the boys want to go fishing at Pelican Bay we might as well throw out some traps and see[fishin]
Going to a family reunion next week at Strawberry, how are the crawfish up there?
They are crawling around everywhere up at the Berry.
I believe it does have crawfish, however I would not waste time trying to catch them in a trap.

Now if I was going to the Berry, take a trap and plenty of bait because you will catch more than you want.

Good luck
about 5 or 6 years ago me and my brother would catch about 5 or 6 when we would fish the Provo but i have not seen any since then.
Yes it does. I would not try to make a meal of them there tho. I have only seen singles here and there under rocks and in flows. The American Fork river, right where you enter AF Boat harbor, there is a bridge there and you can always see a few in may be a flood now tho. Also under rocks in the harbors if you can see good enough....Not huge #'s. If you really want them go to Midas ponds down south in the valley or try settlement canyon res up by has a bunch.
Utah lake has a few dads. Mostly they are in the rivers. We catch a few in minnow traps and they are in catfish stomachs quite often. Never seen a big one. They are generally quite small. Not worth the time to try and target them.
+1 - not from personal experience, but posts here - chicken legs on a string, 5 per - walk up and down, when they turn black, pull em in. Heard of folks filling 5 gallon buckets.

Tried the same approach at a few local ponds with less success, but once in a while - you find a beast!
With all the hungry mouths to feed in Utah Lake, it is no surprise that the visibility of Crayfish is minimal. They are there, but stay well hidden. Anybody that sticks his claws out is an immediate meal for all the hungry mouths out there, including the carp. If you are going to survive out there, you keep your rear end backed into a hole with you claws facing out to ward off the neighbors who are looking for a free meal. They are there, probably in greater numbers than we imagine, they just stay hidden.