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Went out at about 8 am and started catching small mouth immediately. Used a brown 2 1/2 inch tube jig and an assortment of tiny swim bait type jigs (get hung up allot).[Smile]

Ended up with two smallies over 17 inches, a 15 inch, about ten 10-12 inchers, and one giant BLACK crappie 15 inches long and 8 inches wide. Sorry no pictures. Bought a camera just for fishing and left it at home. [pirate]

We left at 2, but the action was over about noon.

Can't wait till next time.

Would It be too much trouble to ask where you launched? Trying to put my father onto some good Fathers day action. Thanks
I'd launch from the "port" ramp off of 158. Just pick a bank and cast to the submerged brush and to the bank in the spots between the brush. We caught our fish on 2 1/2" tube jig and small swim baits. Have a great day with your dad!!!
