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After TD/FGs post - I had HIGH hopes the crappie'd have the feedbags strapped on. Musta missed something. N. Marina was busy - lots of tubers around the docks(I think some other's had read the same report). Saw ONE guy pull in a single crappie, talked to another who had one - almost - to his tube when it released. That's IT.

Saw almost nothing on sonar, and floated the whole N. Marina. Finally bared the wind/waves and worked around the outside. Pitching a crank I got a hit. Thought it might be small wiper, but turned out to be a small mouth. At least I broke the skunk. Maybe it was the weather. Semi cool, semi windy, and sunny. Hmmm.
First Utah SMB for me. Brank new crank, new year's model - I'll take it!

Passed by Benson "on the way" home. I just needed some TUGS! Tooled over to my first spot - sure thing. Nothing at first, so headed to the back, and got into some action. Had a couple near hits that I missed (probably yellow bellies that didn't know to suck the WHOLE shrimp in their mouths). Then something more solid - fight was on, big runs, but somehow it traded the hook over for a twig, and I replaced wiggles with nothing but a drag. How'd he DO that!

Then I had both bobbers do a little dance, and had to choose. I chose wisely - and this sucker took a BIG RUN - yeah a run right across my other line. So I'm trying to figure how to uncross, AND grab the net, AND fight the beast, then I've got my line reeled up to the bobber, RIGHT next to the boat, and he takes a diving plunge - under the boat, under a log - SO sure he's gonna find SOMETHING to wrap around, so I try to nurse 'em back out. And well - nurse Klunkenstein muscles the beast to a sharp - SNAP - and it was gone. Grrr. But the force that one took off with - it was a good one! Mighta caught up with you and Karl on that one!
Had a few hookups that didn't stay hooked, and a number of misses. Pulled in a few mudcats, but not what I was after.

What can I say - even a less than stellar day on the water beats a day at work.
Dude you have more 'break-offs' than anyone I know. Check your line, and consider a new knot. No fish in Utah, excluding a Tiger Muskie, should break your 8 - 10 lb. test or whatever you're using. Let them fight the pole, not the line.

Palomar Knot:
Quote:Dude you have more 'break-offs' than anyone I know.
How about anyone you know that admits to it! Some will claim they have NEVER had a fish break a line. Then there's a WHOLE lotta Wiper fishers that can tell you otherwise. If I had a line as thick as the line in your link - there'd be no worries!

I tend to rely on the "improved clinch" most of the time. And some snags just will not come loose - I'm sure YOU know that from your bank tangling. With a boat - at least sometimes you can get to the 'other side' and release, but not always.

Seriously bud - this one was a truck. It was a pretty managed fight - working the drag - I think until I saw me, or the boat - and it bolted like a bat outa hell! And yes - I panicked and horsed it. My mistake. I was certain it had a plan where to go and wrap up. (patience grasshopper!) And with it wrapped on my other line - didn't want to lost both poles!

Makes me wanna go right back out there and try it again though! I'm pretty confident - this one would have stole your lead! I'll show you when I find it again!
I honestly can't remember the last time my line broke off because of a fish. If that Palomar Knot is tied correctly, it never breaks.

And leave my 'bank tangling' out of this. This is about you and your fish break offs! Smile
Interesting, as Knots get brought up all the time. I too have had break off, but rarely. Maybe because I use soft action rods. The usual break off is from trying to horse fish in to fast.
Speaking of knots, I use a Double Surgeon loop on all my for me. Plus I am able to use 6 lb on most fish but always P-Line pure Fluorocarbon.

That bay is technical, I don't care what anyone says. When it is on, it is ON, but there are those off days too.

I plan on a trip with Koch soon here, see what happens then.
[cool][#0000ff]As FG has suggested, the fish can be difficult. For most species...both inside and outside the marina...early and late can be better than midday.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have always done better early AM. On our most recent trip the crappies got busy early and bit well until about 10:30. Then someone flipped the switch and it was OVER. The fish were still there but their little mouths were closed and their middle fins were fully extended.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I caught my wiper right at 8:30 and did not get another whack that felt wiperish. The other wipers I have caught so far this year have all been caught before about 9 am. But that is because of where and how I fish. The other guys get them elsewhere, fishing differently, all day long.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Congrats on the smallie. Good to hear they are getting active. There are a lot more of them in Willard than people realize...and some nice sized ones too. I have caught quite a few back in the marina and grundles along the rocks when they move in. Some big bluegills too.[/#0000ff]
Thanks for the feedback. It may have been a cooler rougher day. For ONCE I got an early start (for me) and was afloat by about 7, air temp 54, got up to 67 when I left. Expecting the early morning bite. As you'd say TD sonar was key - so I explored. Started along the W-wall inside, working the submerged brush. Was targeting bass with some weedless rigged reapers, while bobbing some double drop ice-jigs.

Lots of folks around the private dock, so I took that as a good sign, until I talked to them and found they were all coming up dry (until the one landing I witnessed. Looked like a good crappie too). Tried the weeds along the south - flippy floppy carp abouts.

Thought the little inlet might hold SOMETHING. Pitching white curly tails (or where or where might the Walleye be. . .) Tried behind the police dock, dragged a planer board along the whole beach shore. Usually somewhere along the deep middle I spot of some kind of school, but not that day.

That's when I went outside, despite the growing wind/waves. Wasn't an impressive bass (ask my son HE'll tell ya). Pale brown when I brought it in, but it took on some real nice color (dark stripes) later.
First time using a chain-link stringer, and he kept freaking me out making sudden lunges, slamming the side of the boat.

So HGS boy - I'm tying up some fresh rigs today and adding a double loop as I go. (he keeps wranging me on my knots! could well be my ancient line! Time for some Excalibur!?!?) I'm going to give you some rigs so YOU can see if my knots break off on you. I'm certain that beast broke due to my own horsing around, as FG suggested. But I'll go back and get him.

Couldn't find TDs Willard Kitty's this day. I did give them some soaky baits to try. But they weren't in the mood. Oh - I did get a chance to practice walking the dog - pitching a Zara Spook. I know it's early for that action, but figured I'd practice. Swish Swish.
as far as knots go try the pitzen knot you can google it. It has been the best, easiest to tie, strongest knot I have used. google it and give it a try.....
[cool][#0000ff]But how do you REALLY feel about it?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sorry "Ol Willy" treated you so badly. Guess I just get lucky sometimes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It has been much tougher this year. Even my kitties haven't been very cooperative.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Oh...and those wipers you saw taking bugs out around the channel entrance? Those were big gizzard shad. Saw a bunch of them myself last Wednesday...up close and personal. No doubt about the ID. So don't feel bad about them not hitting lures. Very rare to hook one legally. Quite a few of them get snagged and sometimes they take a small fly or jig. Fight good but illegal to keep. Anyway, they stink something terrible...but not as bad as skunk.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lemme know if ya wanna go fishin' sometime. It's been a while.[/#0000ff]
I get burned at that lake more than any other place. My sucess ratio is about 1 fish per 3 trips but I keep getting drawn to it. Its like a sickness!
Luck? Me thinks not. Skill and experience? Ya a bit.
I feel better knowing I wasn't the only angler having a hard day of it (sorry Wasatch, I can relate....). I was also going after any and all. Took turns targeting different species, different approaches. Heck - I was happy to get the one smallie. Something's more than nothing. I would bet some of the big-lake trollers probably found something, but weather was a bit iffy, despite the sunshine.

So - I've seen that possession of gizzard shad is prohibited, but I don't get why? Perch are ok, but shad - no? How big do they get anyway - 6"? Seems like matching the hatch w/o something plastic and rattly would benefit the angler. But maybe too much so???

Enjoyed your wiper writeup Pat. I do like to waste-not. Hence my perch stock from the ice-harvests. Also discovering that cheek meat on some fat cats. Nice little chunk there!
"Fish head - fish heads - rolly polly fish heads. "

It can only get better as if gets warmer right? Light TODAY (not!).
[cool][#0000ff]Gizzard shad get several times larger than the better known threadfin shad. Adults in Willard average from 10 -15" but they have been reported over 18",[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The only reason Willard Bay was approved for introduction of gizzard shad is because it is a "closed" system...with no downstream tributaries leading into waters other than Salt Lake. The no possession law is not so much that DWR wants to outlaw a good potential bait source as to keep them from being transported elsewhere. Unfortunately, that desire has not prevented bucket bozos from illegally planting other species. If any other water is found to hold gizzard shad you can bet it will receive prompt nuking.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]They did show up in Lake Powell but it has proven so far to be more good than bad...for the stripers. Still, that's not a justification for anybody to start playing musical buckets.[/#0000ff]
Sorry to hear about your the breakoff with the hog. Always makes me sick when I know I have a big fish on and it breaks the line. Have you replaced your line lately? If it's been more than a year or so it's probably getting too old. Been having the same problem with the fish turning into snags over there myself. Seems they're getting smarter.
How do I REALLY feel? I best keep that to myself!

Pat, I do believe you are right about them being big ol' gizzards. I never did get a clear look at them. I just know they were very bright silver fish. I could never positively ID them as wipers, but knew surely they were not carp! I never knew gizzards got so big!

Yes, time to get together again for a float. I know you don't like weekends... I can fish Fridays. I'm down for wherever... but Starvy (another frustrating lake for me) is starting to call at me!
[cool][#0000ff]If you can get next Friday free, shoot me a PM. I think I can prescribe a remedy that will have you feelin' gooder.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It ain't that I don't like weekends...I just don't like being abused by everybody else who DOES like weekends. Believe me, I am sympathetic to the plight of folks that only have weekends to fish. Put in my years in that category. But now that I have more flexibility I try to keep weekends for family stuff. But, if there is a spot that is not overrun I do actually fish on weekends.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And anymore, Friday is the new Saturday. Lots of folks are on schedules where they have Friday off and of course they all head to the nearest pond...with a bajillion of their closest friends.[/#0000ff]
[quote lavaman]I honestly can't remember the last time my line broke off because of a fish. If that Palomar Knot is tied correctly, it never breaks.

And leave my 'bank tangling' out of this. This is about you and your fish break offs! Smile[/quote]

Yeah I haven't had a fish break me off in a long time either... I actually think setting your drag correctly is even more important than which type of knot you tie... Unless you are just horrible at knot tying.
It wasn't all about my breakoffs until someone made it that! [mad] Lava - you gotta come float sometime and show me how it's done bud!! You know how it is - you should have 4 days a week to choose from, right?

And I'd say +1 to the drag and horsing thing. I'll bet the Asians by the bridge could have heard my yelp when it snapped! (think when Luke learned that Darth was his Father!) It's not been the main line, but the leader that gives. Pretty sure it's not the knot, but above.

One thing I've been doing, and maybe this isn't a good idea? Is to loop a bead with the line - so it can serve as a stop. I do wonder - especially with a rig that involves a bullet or worm-weight - if that weight slamming against a bead might abrade the line over time.

Since cats don't tend to by line-shy, maybe I'll start making rigs with wire leader!!! [crazy]
I think it's time you try an ocean Rig Coyote!!! Maybe 200 to 300lb test. And have some scuba gear read for when these really smart fish keep running your line around under water trees!!! Then you can just dive in talk them out of the tangle or whatever they magically do.

Lava, I didn't know you had 3 to 4 days open a week to fish!!!! I'm lucky lately to get 1 a week! But I'll take what I can get.

BTW have not had a fish snap my line in Utah. But then again I don't have these Cars that Coyote speaks of on the other end. If I had a fish that big I would be jumping in after it probably!
I don't think we are criticizing you, or the way you are tying your knots. Just trying to help and give some insight.

What kind of knot do you have tied on the bottom half of your snap swivel? Looks like some kind of loop knot? I could be wrong but these are not as good as the knot that you have on the top of the swivel (generally anyways).

Also I think you might be on to something with the "stopper bead".... I've fished similar slip sinker rigs for years now and I guess I just don't see the reason for it? The way I prefer to rig like this, is put the sinker on top off the swivel... know what I mean? I can post a pic if not.