Super slow fishing! Water was very stained, with lots of debri in it. Fished all day and only landed 1 splake, 1 musky, and a handful of chubs. Most of the bites came in the morning. But the one plus to the trip was the fact that we practically had the lake to ourself, and no power squadron[:p]
I cropped the pictures because my friends didn't want to be posted.
I'm headed up to Joe's this weekend.
What would you suggest using?
And how fishable are the inlets/outlets?
We never did find any of the inlets or outlets, though we did fish the river below Joes valley and landed one brown. We caught the splake on a gold w/ red dots spin-a-lure tipped with chub meat, the musky was caught on a 4" chrome lipless crankbait, and the chubs were taken on a worm. I don't know that I'd go up there until the water gets more clear.
ya did about as good as you could do this time of year.. the inlets are all over the lake.. one on the far north end. 3 on the west side 2 good sized creeks. and one good sized spring.. one on the south end that only runs at high water run off..
see why i said it sucked when it's muddy? [crazy] .. long way to go for 2 fish and some chub bait..
No doubt about it, should have listened to you. We really debated on whether we should have gone or not, but the Musky kind of made the trip worth while, eventhough it wasn't a 40 incher. What time of year is best for the big splake up there?
how was the river below it. i am goin to be in that area this weekend and might take a trip there if the river is not to bad
It was pretty high and murky, but there are plenty of huge holes that will hold fish. What river is that anyways? Price river?
The outlet of Joes valley is called cottonwood, The price river runs out of scofeild (lower fish creek until the confluence with white river) There can be some good browns once in a while on cottonwood creek.
well the best time i have found for the big splake is early ice up.. thats when i have done the best catching the big ones.. i'm sure if ya could fish it in november and december it would even be better! [crazy] but I for one am glad the the DWR closes it at that time so the butt heads are not up there snaging the big ones.. i have done good in the summer time up there too.. but i fish at night. cought some nice splake on the deep humps and dropoffs as well..
good job on the musky it's great to see them doing so good in there.. [sly]..