Fishing Forum

Full Version: fishinvol, Chickamauga, Bass, 6-18/19-11, Adam B
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Got on the water after the storms yesterday. Launched about 7ish. The willow flies had a huge hatch going on, so we stayed shallow. Piching jigs and shakeyheads. Caught a handful with the biggest being a healthy 3.5lber. Talked to Louie B for a bit and then geared up for night fishing. Adam has only been on Chickamauga a couple times, and I had no real game plan so I did my usual. Put the trolling motor down and cover some serious water. Started off kinda slow, then it heated way up. We hit a little stretch where I was hooking a fish every 10 casts or so. Granted none of them ended up in the boat. One of them being the biggest bass of my life !! Hooked it good and played it good, had it up next the boat, then it hit me....he doesn't own a net!!!!!??? So Adam gets ready to reach for the giant, when she makes another hard run , jumps right next to the boat and pulls off !!! emoVomit Got myself back togather and went back to fishing. Over the next several hours it was just hit and miss. It would get hot, then cool way off. Got to a nice pocket with some rocks and some stumps. Made a long cast , felt a bump. Set the hook and fought what I thought was a catfish for a bit. Finally see that it's a bass and a pretty good one at that. I go to get it and when I picked it up, I realized it was quite a bit bigger than I first thought. Ended up weighing 7.1lbs . Sadly the one that got off earlier was still noticably bigger. Adam was having a much tougher night, so we headed into Chesterfrost. You can always catch some fish around the ramp at night. He ended up putting 4 or 5 in the boat quickly, so he was feeling better. At daylight we went and threw frogs and spooks. Caught another 4 or 5 fish that way. Called it quits around 8 am. All in all a good night. Awefull lot of giant bass swimming around Chickamauga right now. Great to see !