Kitty Kat's are another favorite of mine and boy did we catch a bundle of the whiskers over the weekend! Bear River in Cache Valley is the bomb when it comes to them...along with many other species.
Smiles Always!
Here's the biggest BABE...15llb just over 30"! Simple Lindy rig #2 and a nighty nite!
Very nice indeed. Thank you for sharing a pic of that big kitty
Dang Girl! Again - you rockin it!
I was gonna ask - how do you pitch your curly tails into the flooded weeds w/o coming up snagg-o on every cast! Do you rig something weedless? I couldn't get into the weeds without BEING the weeds.
I think I need to get deeper into the thick of it. But thanks for the recent posts. You sure know how/where to make them waters produce. Seen the Cotton-woods are cottoning, and heard tell that's a good sign for Crappie action. Now I gotta prove it to myself!
This warm week should do us (and our kitties) some good! Thanks again. Your posts inspire!
Nice looking cat, you sure got a handle on catching some nice fish[

]. My biggest cat was around 5 lbs, so you have me wondering, how does catfish that size taste?
Hell yeah, nice fish!
Thanks guys! CS 1/4oz jighead and bend the tip of the hook down so it is inline and under the jighead...Power Pro 20 llb braided line....and make sure the jig is sitting horizontal from the line.... do not let the jig sink immediate retrieve and twitch your rod tip once in awhile. I look for moving water and cast on the sides of the current...the eyes lurk in the weeds waiting to pounce on whatever is moving in the current.
I seldom use weedless hooks because I can't get the presentation right. Deeper water is a different story..hope this helps.
Smiles Always!
That is one giant Channel. Way to go!
Hey Wiper...YUCKY! I do not keep the ones over 5llb. I prefer Perch, Wipers, and Eye's for table fare. I never keep Eye's over 25". Here's some honey's I ate a couple weeks ago from Willard(caught on curly tail jigs).
fishinma when do I get to go fishing with you!!!! Your killing me with all these pics. I'm a Cache Valley boy!!! I fish Bear River but not much in a while. Just a bit in CJ. I want to catch a Cat even 5lb would be my biggest!!!! Incredible really!