Fishing Forum

Full Version: twin lakes, condie, treasureton, strongarm#2 and chesterfield all in one day
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well today me and my family went to all of these places mostley for just the outing and we did some fishing as well from the bank!!! started at twin lakes with no luck scene a bunch off bass spawning but couldnt strike there attention!! next we headed to condie and I had some luck with a spawning bass took it right out of its bed was fun to watch it less then 15 feet from the bank!!!!! then we went to treasurton with no fishing done just went to look at it and it is very very high!! then we went to strongarm #2 im not sure how many people know where that is but its right there in the same area as the rest of these with exception of chesterfield!! we didnt fish there eather as it was a mess with moss would have been no fun from the shore with kids!!! all in all was a fun day even though the kids and wife didnt catch anything they still had fun so they said!!! here are the pictures of the day!!! the little stream is by treasurton!! oh and no luck at chesterfield but we didnt get there tell 830 this evening!!!
I always wondered about Strong Arm. Doesn't look like it's worth the trip.
Did you see any blugill at Twin Lakes?
i didnt i herd some people catching them though over in the second lake in that little cove just past the channel