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Full Version: Slow eye fishing on Boysen
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My son and I (mike4cobra) fished a Wyoming Walleye Stamped tournament on Boysen res. fathers day weekend.
Sat. was decent weather with a so so spinner rig bite with crawlers.
We managed to boat 10 eyes weighing the 5 largest for a 24.57 pound weight and 2nd place for sat.
Sunday was another story [frown] Around 8:30 in the morning the rain and wind started making boat control and fishing tough. 35 mph winds and 4 foot white caps made for a long day of miserable fishing.
We only had 5 eye bites all day and put 4 of them in the net for a little over 12 pounds. The 5th fish that we estimated at around 5 or 6 pounds I lost at the net that would have kept us in 2nd place.
We ended up taking 2 checks ($2400) and a third place trophy home for the tourney.
Haven't seen Mike since last Xmas so it was a great way to spend fathers day and put a little money in our pocket to boot.
CONGRATULATIONS guys!!!! I was going to call you last night to see how it went and just ran out of time. I'm sure it feels good to finally have some good luck this year. Good luck this weekend. I guess we'll see who really brought the luck with them since Mike will be running his own boat this weekend. I'll give you a call later this week.

Take care my friend...
Thanks for posting your report Roger, good to hear you two got in the money and hope the rest of the season is as good or better. By the way how many lbs did the 1st place team catch?
Just over 50 pounds.He's a local guy and been fishing the lake for about 30 years and it's hard to beat him.
Congratulations, what was the water temp ?
Nice work Roger! Good luck to you two this weekend....I wouldn't be surprised to see a top two finish!

Chad Miller
Congrats to you and Mike, now you are considered a local guy as well aren't you?[cool]
Some times I wounder Pete. A few of my friends and neighbors still call us transplants from "THAT OTHER WIERD STATE" [Wink]
I know you can handle the flack, after all we were originally from Wis. an area where alot of the walleye catching tactics were developed. Once again congrats to you and Mike and good luck on your next tourney. Keep us posted.