[fishon]I took the family out on the boat yesterday, we had been getting skunked a lot lately, so I needed to get them on some fish before I started to lose them. The last time we went, my son was asking to stay in the trailer so I knew I was in trouble! That being said, I looked for some advice from one of the masters on this forum (thanks man! You rock!) and it paid off.
We hit the first spot and started out with a bobber and was getting no action at all. We could see them jumping all over the place, but they just wouldn't bite! We hung out there for a while, moved on to spot number 2, same thing. Jumping all over the place, but nothing. We got on the water about 8:30, about 11 we found the spot. My wife wasn't so much feeling the fishing vibe until we got to this third spot. She threw out her line and about 5 minutes later, it was on! We spent the next few hours reeling them in, but her pole was definitely the hot one. There were 2 hits on her line for every hit I got. We ended up reeling in probably 10 cats and 3 decent carp. The guy in the last pic threw quite the battle. He fought pretty good for the first little bit, went to dead wait, then as soon as he saw the boat he went NUTS! He ended up dragging my line a full 360 around the boat. He went completely under the boat twice. It was quite the fun day, but in the end, we had a very tired boy and a very fun day!
Nice report and Pics, thanks for sharing. Were you fishing the Bear below Cutler? The river look petty wide where you are fishing, were you below Corine? I use to fish that area a lot but once I got a bigger boat I have not been back.
Actually we were up closer to the swamps on the way towards Logan. I believe those swamps are still considered the BR. Right?
You mean I actually provided advice that helped someone get into fish? [:p] Wicked[

] Sounds like you had a great outing. That's awesome - so now the family's hooked, right?
As someone told me earlier this spring - when you find some spots that produce, you'll find they keep producing. Lots of cats and carp up in them shallows in spring. Now you got some fresh bait too, if you fillet up any of them carp.
There's a lot of territory out in that marsh, and a lot more species of fish than I've met personally (but have high hopes).
Check out [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/forum/Utah_Fishing_Forum_C55/Utah_Fishing_General_F58/gforum.cgi?post=673222;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"]FishnMa's posts[/url] - SHE is a true master!
[#ff0000]But if anyone asks - it a toxic mudpile of gunk full of NOTHING but icky carp! Everyone should stay away. [img]../../../images/gforum/shocked.gif[/img]
I think technically - the Bear river flows into Cutler, and then below Cutler dam itself it becomes the Bear river again. But the whole marshland is considered Cutler. There are some other flows that drop into Cutler also, Logan river, Little Bear. It's really a dang big body of water.
If you want some awesome scenery - drop in at Cache Junction, and head north/west under the bridge towards the dam. Was once described as the Grand Canyon of Cache Valley. (just watch the the ABRUPT dropoff at that launch! Ask Wormsinker - he'll tell ya! They have GOT to fix that! Word!!!!)
Yes, it did help! Thank uou sso much. I was going to call you out for being the one to help, but didn't know if you wanted me to or not. Anyway, it was a lot of fun, and my son likes fishing again so that is definitely a plus. I definitely plan on doing sime more exploration of the area, but for this trip we just wanted to have some success. Thanks again for your help! We need to get together some time and do some fishing together. I am a CPR guy, so you are welcome to my kitties
I think, just like John said, that all the back water above the dam is part of Cutler. It does sound like an area I should check out though, how is the launch area up there?
The launch area was good, a little different (had to back in further) but pretty decent overall.
Appreciate your candor. But hey - I've taken enuf grief for giving advice at the same time as admitting to my failures, so if I can help a fellow angler - and in your situation - bringing in a kid and a wife on top - Schwing! I say. That's awesome!
You can do us all a favor, and if you don't "keep" a carp, fling it on the bank after a gill-ectomy. I could show you pix, but not exactly family friendly fare [shocked] ! Of course - returning them to the deep to return to the cycle of things works too. But can understand - my daughter didn't like to see the hook removed from a fish. So I get it. Do what works for you and your gang - is all I can say.
It's a fun puddle out there - lots of variety to be found, if you can. I'm tickled I was able to help, and that it resulted in such a bang up trip for you and your family, I'm honored to help. Thursday afternoon is looking real promising to me! Warm, warm and sunny. What could be better! (Tigermusky at Newton???) . Saturday could be a good day out too.
Honestly - if we hook up and go fishn - I'd be glad to accept donated fish (at an appropriate locale) and turn them into smoked kitties, and hand them back at ya. Had the opportunity to do that on ice with them that want Gills, not Trout. But some fine smoked trout - can change your tune! Same for kittyfish. Lunker and Lava can vouch- it may not be TD's recipe, but something about smoked fish just hits a chord... in my book anyway.
I consider myself a selective harvest feller. Legal limits are what they are - legal. Can appreciate a 15#er being set back to spawn more goodies, or an itty bitty needing time to grow. But cookie cutters don't get their name for nothing!
I need to get my boy to wrastle one of them beast. He likes to nap in the boat, and man-the-net when time comes. But that serious pull and tug might change his tune! Maybe he'll learn to lose sleep over "the one that got away" like his old man does. Better knots, right?! What a drag.
Spring fishing is fun, no doubt about that! Be safe, have fun. Cya out there!!!
I'll tell ya - the walleye are calling to me! (sirens of the marsh?!)
Can't do Thursday, (don't get off work til 5, so I couldn't make it to Newton til 6) but I am free all day Saturday. Any time, any species. Pm me where and when you want to meet up.
To my knowledge -there's three main launch sites that get you onto Cutler. From the Valley View Highway - west towards Mendon, The Benson Marina, and Cache Junction towards Newton.
The water is SO high now that it's almost above the launch ramp, so it does mess with the 'angle' and you do have to back in pretty far, but not bad. Haven't launched VV this year. You can go S from there into the marshy marsh, or N, under the bridge and into the marsh there.
As mentioned the Cache Junction launch has a nasty drop at the end, but with the higher water - should help. Probably the best for a bigger boat is Benson. Ya get Jet Skiers and such zooming around in the afternoons. I have seen BIG wakeboard board launch CJ last year, but getting under the bridge could be a challenge to anyone with a tower! Could be funny to watch though!
I'm only aware of the two river launch points, but wouldn't be surprised if there are others. (anyone know?!)
One is just past the Benson Church, the other down in Corrine. The current is moving pretty swift these days, and I did run into (literally) a lot of submerged logs in the river last summer.
The Bear is a long river - and from what I'm told - really changes it's nature from high at the top (in Idaho) - clear water, to the muddy murky flows into Cutler, and there's all kinds of sloughs off to the sides - which now - are likely directly connected.
The whole area around the Benson Bear launch is flooded - waste or chest high. Full of carp for any bowhunters! Below Cutler - follows on down all the way to the Bear River Bird Refuge - and some of our members do some serious summer cattin down that way.