The DAV fishing outing will happen Sat. Aug, 6, 2011. We'll get a chance to give just a little back to some of those who have given so much.
Right now, it looks like we will have 60 or so DAV's attending so we're gonna need quite a few boat owners to volunteer to take a Vet or two out. If you're wanting to help, please advise Ken Raddon (OLD TROLLER) 801-712-1654. By the way, to clear up any possible misunderstanding from our last event in 2009 - ALL boat providers and their helpers are cordially invited to the cookout and lunch afterward.
I'm looking for donations to provide food and drinks for the event. If you're willing to contribute either food items or money to purchase same, please contact me @ 801-891-6578. We're looking at feeding 120+ so any help will really be appreciated.
GEEZER aka Tom Robison
Have boat will travel. The Dav will have drinks and snacks and I will let them use my fishing poles and lures to catch fish if they do not have there own.
Thanks for all the hard work putting this together.
I'll be there helping park the trucks/trailers.
I'm in, all they will need is a fishing license I have all the gear. I can accomodate two. I will be headed down Thurs. night, hopefully I can find a camp spot for a couple nights. If I remember correctly it's a first come, first serve on camping sites and that they don't take reservations for the Soldier Creek campgrounds. If I'm wrong on this would some one let me know and who I can contact, thanks. I'm looking forward to this again, we don't do enough for our Vets especially the DAV's, thanks for allowing me to help out.[fishin]
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I will be happy to help out again with my boat and whatever else needed food etc... Count me in .[cool]
I can't believe with 280 some people that have looked at this thread that we do not have more volunteers unless they are all by PM's. [fishin]
I've been in with my boat since the last meeting. Recruited two boatless members who will help with parking, launching, etc.
Bounce back[fishin]
I am in again, I can take one DAV, it will be the same DAV I took in 2009. I took him to Jordanelle a couple weeks ago but did not do well. This Saturday I am taking him to Utah lake for some Catfish...
Count me in again...
This is a great event.
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I have been wondering where you have been, I've been waiting to see your post, glad to see your back with us. Looks like you picked up a fishing buddy from the last outing we had. Good for you,, I know he enjoys it.
I am just wondering is anyone keeping track of how many boats are signed up for the event. I just talked to old troller and he says there are only 4 boats that he knows off including mine.
I am around, last year did not fish much but I will make up for it this year. Here is a pic of me and Daniel a couple weeks ago up at Jordanelle...
[inline Jordanelle.jpeg]
This Saturday I will take him to Utah Lake for some catfishing...
I would LOVE to take one out again this time. To bad we all had to miss last years! I have all the gear. I hope to have my new boat before this event, but if not...still got the old one for now. That was about the best time I've EVER had taking a stranger fishing, and can't wait to do it again.
Might need to start a list on the site of boats and number of fishermen/women each boat can accomodate. I believe they did this last time. WET1 told me that so far he had 10 boats signed up for the event. I'm not sure if these are some of the same people Troller has or not.
Below is a picture of the lady I took fishing at our last DAV event, she had never been fishing in her life and had a blast. She caught a mixture of Cuts and Rainbow. I cleaned several nice Bows for her and put them on ice for her to take home and try.