all the ice finley came off huntington this week as well as the road opening to fairview lakes.. the ice is off it as well.
the road to millers flat just opened 3 day's ago as well. you can drive all the way to Joe's valley now. potters was just planted and should be good fishing.. still lots of water comeing down.. sure looks green and nice up there. good luck to any and all headed up.. [cool]
side note potgut hunting has been great up there this year!! [:p]
Awesome! Thanks for the update
Thanks for the report fuzzy. You did'nt happen to see if petes hole is accesable yet did you?
It's about time! Thanks, fuzzy!
Bout time Fuzzy. I was gettin' worried about ya!
petes might be open.. getting there might be a problem.. i can't even find the road where skyline starts off the farview canyon road.. most all the raods higher then millers flat road are still snowed in.. or are mud pit's..
i'll let ya know if i hear anything tho.. me and my boy have been potgut hunting a lot more then fishing this year anyway.. lol well tell the muddy water cleers up so we can jig and troll better.. then we will be all over it again..
I know what you mean about skyline, There will be areas that will be impassable this whole summer. I was refering to the road up to petes hole /grassy from joes valley. Sounded like you had been over to JV recently.
well we just went up to do some potgut huntting.. and exploring.. when all the run off is done in all the lakes around i'll go fishing. right now about the only fishing there is, is bait fishing.. and i'm out of bait.. so i'll just wait tell the water clears up and go.. we went from cleveland down the miller flat road to potters ponds.. where we seen the planting truck dropping some fish in.. then we turned around and headed back.. we did try to get up rosfisons canyon but just below the dam was a big snow bank and some trees downed in the road.. i did not go all the way to Joe's or up grassy.. but like i say i'll let ya know if i hear anything.. i do know there is no road open that you can go over the top of skyline from east to west. most you can only get 1/2 to 3/4 of the way up anywhere.. still a lot of snow up there..
Thanks for the report. Hope to wet a hook on a few of those lakes soon. Due to family I know that Fairview lakes had to bring in big equipment to open the road up to and across the dam. Took my uncle two more days with a bobcat to open the road to his cabin.
well i got a wild hair sunday and took the small boat up to huntington me and jonny.. we did as good as i thought we would.. we got skunked big time.. 5 hours of fishing only 1 hit. no hook ups..
we trying trolling and jigging.. did not see anyone else doing any good ether..
Hey dont feel bad i was there for 4 hours and not a bite! Between the wind and the chocolate looking water i knew it was going to be bad fishing. I fished both sides 2 hours each. I did better at huntington in about hour and a half i caught 6 tigers biggest was 15 inches but i had to work hard for them.
Mind sharing what you caught them on?
I jig there with only spoons the best ones are the red and white daredevil and a fire tiger thats all iever use there and e-lake .[

] My friend was using a worm and marshmellow and not even a bite i didnt see anyone catching anything either.
went up by E-lake today.. looks like the water is getting a lot clearer.. and could see minnows all over the shore..
lot of pepole fishing the inlet and catching lot's of fish too..
I'm going to do be doing some work down that way, thanks for the report.
That is great news. Too bad the minnows caught can't be used anywhere else anymore.
i'm hopeing that the powers that be will take E-lake off the list this year! they have been testing for what 4 years now and not found any... it a wast if ya ask me..
they are still down washing off boats there tho.. and taking the water to scofield to dump it.. i think they make 2 or 3 trips a day to scofield to dump the water out of there tanks.
Wouldn't that be nice. Just wish I had a boat for them to wash.[

] Stuck on the shore hopefully with enough action to keep the kids entertained.
well fishing in frount of the inlet has been good all spring.. we caught some nice cutt's there 3 or 4 weeks ago.. on minnows... [sly]
there are lot's of fish up in the rivers right now.. seen fish in every deep hole all a long the river yesterday. i even seen fish in a small feeder about 5 miles up from the lake.. so if your into river fishing the cutt's are up doing there thing in the rivers right now and seems to be a lot of them up there as well.. [sly]..