My son and I hit Bug Bay this morning at 7 and were done by 11. Put 12 eyes in the livewells and 3 wipers. Eyes ran from 14 1/2 to 22 in. and the wipers were 20 to 21 in. Ran into Skeeter with his daughter and they were having a good day as well. Now it's time for some fresh eye fillets for dinner.[fishin]
Very nice! Anyone think this year is looking at being better than last year at the bay despite the late start?
Durn it! I have got to get up there and try for a wiper. The way reports are coming in, this could be my year to get one!
Nicely done....
What part were you fishing? I hit the bay this morning in a tube and damn near broke my 5 wt fly rod on a huge carp lol. Managed a few crappie and the carp but no wipers.

Nice to see your success..Its a lot of fun to get the Wipers and Walleye at Willard..However we try to throw most of them back...I'd hate to see Willard get fished out... lots of people fishing it these days...Not to get into your business just an observation from a concerned fellow fisherman!
Nice job Pete!!! It's just amazing to me how much different the fish out of Starvation look in comparison. They don't even look like the same species of fish. Check out this picture of a 19.5 incher from a couple weeks ago. Notice how much smaller the head looks and how thick the shoulders are. That's why I keep harping to anyone that will listen how fantastic the condition of the fishery at Starvation is right now and to enjoy it while it lasts because we all know it won't last like that forever. Ala Yuba, Willard, etc.....[pirate]
Tight lines my friend... [fishin]
If you are concerned about people taking fish home to eat, you might want to address the issue that allow people to fish during the spawn and keep the fish. This happens at most of the lakes that contain walleye. The Fish and Game Dept. doesn't seem too concerned about fishing and keeping fish that are spawning unless they are slime rockets especially cutthroat. My son and his family like to eat walleye and so do I, so I keep enough for a few meals when I go. I don't fish the lake everyday like a lot of people do. Thanks for putting them back if you don't want to take some home to eat. I appreciate your conservation effort. Mean while tight lines and pass me an other plate of fillets.[fishin]
I don't see a picture Todd, and Deer Creek also took a dive a few years ago and is now on the way back. I think Deer Creek has the best looking walleye in the State, dark colors and chunky fish, although I haven't fished it for awhile.
Sorry man I guess it didn't attach. Let's try it again. FYI: I ate this one.[:p]
May see ya at Starvation over the 24th, hoping to find some of those big perch along with a few eyes. The Mrs. will be along with me this trip so I hope I can put her on some good fishing.
Todd we were going to head up to Anderson for that weekend but the wife hasn't had a good walleye day yet this year do to work and a trip for her back East so she wanted to try Starvation. We had a fun trip there last year over the 24th.