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my dad and I will be at condie tomorrow looking for the bass if any one else is going to be there say hi we will be in the matching fishcat tubes!!! and green waders!!! I will be sure to post the report when i return from the trip with pictures for sure!!!
Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about Condie. I really love that lake. Wish the bluegill would come back.

I need to get up there and fish condie again, I miss that place. I will be calling soon and maybee we can figure a time out to go.
the blue gill are back at condie and are biting pretty good they are sticking to one side of the lake and that side being the other side away from the launch ramp!!! there small but are every where!!! the bass are going nuts caught one really nice one that soon as i got it up to my tube it did a flip and broke my 6lbs line like thread!!! so if any one cathes one with a brownish orange rapala about an inch in length mid depth runner with black stripes let me know i want it back has been my lucky bass getter!!! also f&g once stocked tiger muskie in there and over in the shallows i scene a pretty big log like fish lurking around was pretty big much bigger than any of the bass i was seeing so it could be a left over that is still lurking!!! i tried to get it to take but never got it to what ever it was!!! here are some pictures one of a blue gill one of a small lmb and just a couple other random pictures!!
looked like a nice day out and weather looked awesome. I too have lost a ton of lures using light tackle and catching a big bass. but i have never caught a bass with someone elses lure. the luck has got to change.
That is a very promising report.

Good deal. Glad you posted.
I am curious, the wind blew where ever I was all weekend. Is that from today/Sunday and what time of day was it? Looks like great conditions.
Nice looking little lake too. I am going to have to make it to some more of those lakes this summer.
I especially want to try Lamont and Johnson as I see they were among the last batch of Tiger Muskie stockings.
If you were going to camp on one of those lakes in that area are there any you can camp on the water? Well, not on the water but right close on shore? I know about Onieda and have camped there. Small 20' camp trailer is what I would use.
I did a scouting trip to Condie over the Memorial holiday. Questions i have is...I noticed a boat ramp, but couldn't find any information on what is and is not allowed. Question in point...Can i launch my bassboat? The next question is related to camping...Is it allowed?

Thanks for the replies in advance!
you know camping is allowed but there really isnt much room as far as a camper goes it has about a 15-20 vehicle parking lot area and the rest is private property for the most part there is maby 3 or 4 spots to pitch a tent!! and yes it was from today it was super calm out on the water all day water was lke glass with a few small breezes here and there!!! johnson has a nice little campground that could fit an camper maby im not sure but it may!!!! lemont there is no camping spots as it is all private property around it except for the launch and the dike area!!! unless you know a land owner they have some camp spots on the back side of lemont but you have to know the right person to even get access to it!!!
yes you can put a bass boat in there it doesnt have any restrictions really just what you see only 2 bass limet and must be 20 inches or bigger it use to be 21 inches but they changed it!!! the only thing i would really hate to see out there is some one using it to play on as in ski wakeboard jetski ect also there is no dock this year!!!
The dock is way back in that little cove to the southeast of the ramp. Not quite sure how it ended up over there, but that's where I saw it last time I was at Condie.
I hit Condie as well on Sunday. I did pretty good, caught 8 bass, all over 15". the biggest was 19" and weighed in at 5.2 ibs. I was primarily sight fishing in the shallows with a weightless 7" pumpkinseed worm.
which boat were you or were you the olive colored tube?? i scene and talked to a guy who was doing really good had a dog on board with him!!!
I was in a green 12' plastic bass boat. Fished down on the dam end.
the paddle boat??
No - but I saw that boat.