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Full Version: Beat the Heat
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June has been crazy, what with the weather and all. Saw the temps for this weekend and though.....naw, like the 70"s much more, so we headed for the hills.
Checked in a Soldier Creek and hit the water briefly Friday morning. Fished from 10 to noon with winds from the get go, but white caps by 11:30. Fishing was good.
Went back out that evening for two more hours. Deep nymphed in the bay behind the I hear people say that the cutt don't fight worth a darn???? I still don't get that cause this was a tip flex six weight rod:

[Image: IMG_1590.jpg]

Now for those of you interested in this deep nymphing...I was in 22 feet of water, with a floating line and 20' of 6 lb P-Line fluoro (just my choice). I had a blood midge on the bottom and one foot up a tag of 12" with an Irish Spring. Here is what the fish eat and the main fly of choice (Irish Spring) however they did hit both flies.

[Image: IMG_3661.jpg]

[Image: IMG_3654.jpg]

Indicator was set at 19'

Here is the blood midge in action:

[Image: IMG_3655.jpg]

Wind was a factor Saturday as well, but fishing was good with some big fish.
Ran into BFTer Wasatch up there camping too.

All in all, great weekend.
Love the report and photos !!!
Thank you for sharing.

Wow, those are some really nice fish! Is that Irish Spring tied on a red hook? Cool looking fly.
Yes it is. I bought some last week and thought, I normally tie the I.S. with a red tag, why not a red hook.
I am convinced that was the missing link on this fly...LOL
It is a #12.
The red hook is a great idea! I have only seen red ones in big big bait hooks before. It may be the missing link on a lot of flies! Where did you find them?
Fish Tech. I have seen them other places though. I thought Sportsman's had them also.
[quote cpierce]The red hook is a great idea! I have only seen red ones in big big bait hooks before. It may be the missing link on a lot of flies! Where did you find them?[/quote]
I'd check with Roger. If he doesnt have them, he could most likely get some ordered for you.
LOL -- Yeah, that is what I was thinking, so I stopped by Roger's this morning, but I was a half hour too early. --- Next time!
great post sis... looks like a fun day on the water... :-)

MacFly [cool]
Good to see you had some fun the weekend of our wedding!!!
Looks are deceiving!!!! Did I mention I was there "BY MYSELF" for the most of the trip.
is that a good or bad thing.. and I know you had Baxster with you... :-)

MacFly [cool]
Let's just say, it wasn't the best of times...a lot of family B.S. Long story...