My post was about fishing,, and a huge mack that ashly caught. And you. Still move my post... that doesn't bug me...... but you move a post from someone that hasent been on here for a long time (vivid dawn) that pisses me off!!!!! Alot of us here feel like this site Is family in a way,, to take that post and put it on the back burner realy pisses Me off!!!! I for one am glad she's doing good... I guess all you guys care about is a couple fishing reports and not the health of our members!!!!! This is why I don't post pics,, and reports!!!!!! This site only cares about the buisness side of things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ยก
This is a perfect example of the kind of off topic posts that we move. This is what PM's are for. I did not move the post, but if it was not a direct fishing related post then it will be allowed for a day or so, then moved. I guarantee you that we would have had complaints about leaving the post up for longer than that. The Off topic board is made for posts like that one. I know her personally and have fished with her a few times. I am also Very glad that she is doing well and I am sure the other mods feel the same way as well. We try to follow the written rules to reduce the amount of decision making is done on our part as well as to be "fair" to all members. We will never be able to please everyone all of the time, and we do make mistakes at times. This post was off topic and it was moved after it have been up for a decent time period. Glad she is doing well, and hope she is able to get out soon and post a report. Her reports were some of the best I've read on here and she is an awesome writer.
Happy Fishing
I moved her post, so direct your frustration against me. Our various boards are meant for specific purposes and that is why we have multiple boards. Out of respect to members we will sometimes leave a post temporarily on the fishing forum and then move it to the board that it appropriately belongs. It is not a case of likes, dislikes, worthiness or respect. If that was the case we would never move a thread thanking the veterans. I learned a long time ago that we please some members and make other members mad no matter what we do, so the best we can do is try to be as consistent as we can in how we moderate the boards. Even doing that we still are accused of showing favoritism by some.
You Mod's do one helluva good job of an often thankless task. For free no less. Keep on keepin' on & tune the whiners out.
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*huggle-pats Bigfish6*
Thanks for the support...but it's okay,
I'M not offended. In fact, I did say thanks to whoever for moving my post, as I should know better as I AM a long-time poster and know the rules. It wasn't a report, or a request about conditions somewhere, or otherwise fishing related. But it was way late (1/2 hour past my bedtime), and all I really did was click "Utah Boards" and "new thread"... I really should have taken the time to make sure I was putting stuff in it's rightful place
If anybody really wants to see how I'm doing at any time, just PM me...I have it set to send it to my e-mail (though for a while it wasn't working, but I got it fixed now!). I check E-mail several times a day, so you should only be worried if I don't reply after 3 days or so.
I do consider this place as sort of a family. All the guys that have taken me out have been really nice...despite my Godmother's worries of "some strange man taking advantage of you when you're alone with him". Nothing close to that has happened, I'm glad to say!
I'm still not quite "back" yet...though I plan to get back in the habit of reading posts every day (not just browsing half-awake at bedtime!), and being more involved. Until winter, anyway...then I'll slink back to hiding in the shadows again

Winter is evil! LOL