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Full Version: Oneida Jun 25-26
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We went to Oneida for the Clean-out-the-Carp derby. Caught 13 carp Saturday plus a 4 lb. cat, a nice walleye, a bass, and a perch. Caught another 25 Sunday morning, and turned in 38 carp weighing 200 lbs. We heard there was 1400 lbs already weighed in at the Grace check station around 4 pm Sunday. We got some pretty cool prizes for having the most fish at our check station in McCammon, and it was a pretty fun weekend. Had the cat for supper Sunday night and hope to catch more of them before the summer is over.
hey if a pm is the way to go then do that. I was just wanted to know on this 4lb cat, was it out of the Res? up the narrows or where? I dont want secret wholes just a area of where abouts if i may thanks.... and congrats on the carp.. Just a zillion more lbs to go in that place lol..
The Cat was right across from the Hot Springs. I'm not sure if you call that the river or the reservoir. 3 weeks ago I would have called it the river, but by Sunday afternoon it might have been the reservoir! Ha, ha. It was filling up fast.

good job on the cat they are rarely caught i would expect much larger than 4lbs due to the rarety of catch and the fact they are not stocked in there havnt been in a very long time!!! but hey you caught one good job!!
NICE!!!!! Thanks for letting me know.. I have to try for some cats next time im down that way...
YES, very fiew cats. however ive gotten into little guys just below the dam. The f&g said they expected to see more being caught after they drained Alexander.....

He also didnt want to believe me when i told him i landed a Tilapia out of the O......
Any very big carp? Did you catch them all on nightcrawlers?
The biggest was 8.3 lbs, but they were all around the 6 lb area. Every one of them put up a great fight, too. The guy who checked carp in ahead of us at the Lil' Brown Jug in McCammon had 20 pounders and made this 8.3 one look like a baby. There were 20 fish in the pile, and they were already over the 400 lb mark. I guess they were caught down by Grace.

We used nightcrawlers. Have bought them from a few places this year, and have found that the ones from Walmart seem to work the best. Not a big Walmart fan, but have to give them credit for their worms. They are working great. We could have added to our total of 38, but ran out of worms. They were still biting.
Any idea where the 20 pounders were being caught? How were you rigging up your nightcrawlers by the way? I have had some good success down there but I am always looking for new techniques.
We asked about the 20 pounders, too, but got told they were caught at "Notellum Creek" so I got the hint it was someone's honey hole.

Just using 1/4 oz. jigheads with 1/0 hooks and gobbing as much worm on the hook as you could. If you thought you were going to be smart and split the long crawlers in half so you weren't wasting any, you paid the price. The more worm you had on there-the bigger the carp. We saw them on the F-Finder at all sorts of depths, but when we tried using bobbers for a while to get the bait up off the bottom, they didn't hit at all. They were all feeding on the bottom.
oh so u where on a boat? is the water full yet??? also just a worm for the kitty as well?
Yeah, we were in a boat and ran up past the Hot Springs that way. It was filling up pretty quickly it appeared. We used the jigheads a few weeks back (Oneida) and had success with them so planned on using them for the Carp Derby and ended up catching the cat, the bass, the walleye, and the perch on them by accident. We used the same jigheads two weeks ago in Alexander and had 3 nibbles in 9 hrs with no fish. Don't know if it was just an off day, but am going to try Alexander again and see if it was a fluke or if they like different baits.
right on..... Never thought of just using a jighead and worm... Might have to try it.. thanks again...
I didn't either, but it seems to be the ticket. No split shot, no leader, just a jighead and worm. It's enough weight to get a good cast, but light enough to feel them nibble and then set the hook. We tried just a hook and worm, but apparently having that colored jig with the eyeball makes it look more like a grub or something and they hit it pretty regularly.

Never thought of that either, but will give it a try this weekend. I like having something to switch to when what I usually use isn't working. How far from shore, or how deep was the water where you were fishing?
We were in 2-3 ft. of water most of the time. You could bank fish it just as easily.
If i didnt catch it before then sorry but what color was the jigs???
Hot pink worked well. The wife tried using a yellow one with black eyeball Sunday morning and out-fished me pretty steadily, so I'm going to try a yellow one next time as well. They liked the bright colors. Not trying to do a sales pitch or anything, but got them at Bass Pro online. Couldn't find anything like that locally. Hope this helps. Any carp caught and not put back in the water is a plus in my book.
Agreed with the carp..... Wished we could get the program they have at Utah Lake and find ppl who will come and net them out and clean up the Res. Thanks again on the tips of the jigs ill have to give it a run next time im out....