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Full Version: shorten an 870 LOP
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just picked up an 870 20ga for the wife and it's a little long for her, and actually me too. I think the legnth of pull is 14" on it and the youth 20ga, which we both felt was too short, was 13". I'm thinking of trimming the stock 1/2" and seeing if that fits better but then I'll also have to customize the recoil pad to fit. Has anyone ever tried this before? any advice would be appreciated!
Make sure she tries the gun with a heavy coat on (which she will likely be hunting with). You'd be surprised. That 13" LOP might not be too bad. When most people buy shotgun they try the gun with a t-shirt, which is a whole lot thinner than what they will be hunting in.

Secondly, I have trimmed an Ithaca down to the LOP that my daughter needed. I used a hand held coping saw. It worked great and did not spliter the stock. Since the butt plate was a composite, I used a Dremel tool to work it down so it fit perfectly.
Good luck!
yeah, with a tee shirt on the gun is fine but on the long side for her, and we will be decked out most of the fall so it definitely needs to be adjusted.
You may want to consider an ATI or Knox stock. They are adjustable. They don't look as nice but it's something which can be nice especially if you have kids. They can use it and adjust with age. Just my 2 cents.