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Full Version: more pv musky!
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This week... [cool]
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Saw lots more, and lost a few! Still a blast!!
wow, those are some impressive fish! just out of curiosity, how much do you fish a week? seems like every time you post you have a once a year kind of fish for me, so i either think you're just amazing at it or you spend LOTS of time on the water! maybe both....
Man you guys are killing it up there! Whats the bait of choice?
Me and joe typically hit pv once or twice a week, I actually just got back. I took my father in law out this morning and he is from nor cal and bass fishes and hits the delta for stripers and sturgeon. He has seen all the muskie pix and wanted to score one. well we fished this morning from 645 til 9 and were fortunate enough to land 2 he got the biggest one at around 38 inches and i got a 36" er. Not bad for a few hrs. Sorry no pics this time
Great looking fish! Can I play? Haha
I typically fish pineview atleast twice a week some weeks its three or four days Haha I just got back a min. Ago ... pops scored a toad smallie, it was the biggest of 20 or So ..
[Image: 2011-07-01161701.jpg]
Nice work boys. I have not hit PV at all this summer Sad Looks like you are doing well. Keep on it. Which baits were you throwing?