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[font "Courier New"][#000080][size 3]Now that I'm getting serious about fishing this year, I took a look at the stocking report. In March, Bountiful pond was stocked with wiper (only 135). As far as I can tell, this is the first time they've been stocked in a pond. Anybody know if this is a new trend?

If they stocked walleye, I would be there every day! (would love to go to Willard every day, but it's twice as far as Bountiful)

They just had some and wanted to see how they would do. They said it was a one time thing, but may continue if they have ok results. They will be shocking it to see what and what size the fish are in the pond. The birds most likely got the majority of them and the rest will most likely get caught before they hit the 1' mark.
[#000000][font "Courier New"]"If they stocked walleye, I would be there every day"[/font]
[font "Courier New"][/font]
[font "Courier New"]Matter of fact there does seem to be an okay population of walleye in that pond. [/font]
[font "Courier New"][/font]
[font "Courier New"]The first and only Walleye I've ever seen/held in real life came from Bountiful. And I've heard from a few that once you know what they like on that water that catching them there becomes rather easy.[/font]
[font "Courier New"][/font]
[font "Courier New"]You know,,, just fyi[/font]
[#000000]Good Luck and Have Fun
[font "Courier New"][#0000BF][size 3]Well, I say stock walleye, because any that I catch are not being released...they're dinner!

I know most (if not all) ponds say you're supposed to voluntarily release all bass. That's okay with me, as I'm not too fond of bass (it's not bad, but not as good as trout or walleye).

So unless the walleye are breeding pretty good, it doesn't seem like there'd be much room in Bountiful for more than a 'recreation' amount, rather than an 'harvesting' amount?
I have heard of guys catching Walleye at Bountiful Pond. Out by the island.
There are eyes in Bountiful, but the pond is pretty much a fish tank to fill and empty with fish every few weeks. It has had about everything put into it, but only a few of each remain. It is not a "breeding or hatchery" pond by any means.
[font "Courier New"][#0000BF][size 3]I know they put catfish and trout in there. But I have not seen walleye in the stocking reports for the last few years (I just double checked).

What I'm saying, is if it would be okay (aka "polite") if I kept walleye I got.
Example is if there's only 8 walleye in the pond, and I kept my 2 limit, and 3 other people kept 2 (which rarely happens, as I've seen people with whole stringers of fish being taken to their cars), eventually there'd be no walleye left!
Guess I'll just have to work overtime for gas money to go to Willard instead Wink

Absolutely. I would keep anything that is legal out of there, If I caught one, I would keep it. The #'s in there are not huge by any means, but you keeping a few will not impact the #'s. It is not a walleye fishery and although it looks and may feel like you are "eliminating" them, it will be fine. People "stock" that pond with the walleye and that is the primary source of them. DWR has not done it for quite a while, but they end up in there. That pond is meant for fishing and harvesting out of and it is a great option for people who want a chance at a mixed bag and a tasty dinner.
Yeah the biggest White Bass I have ever caught came out of there. I put it back and to this day regret doing so. Never seen another WB as big as that one in my life.

I have been fishing there for 17 years. It used to be good even 5 years ago. I remember 4 years ago pulling over 15 Largemouth's in just over an hour. I have yet to be able to duplicate it ever again.

Now it has gone to crap.
I posted a post on the pond some time ago, here is the responses.

[font "Calibri"]I just got confirmation that there is now 1000s of small Wiper that was planted in the Bountiful Pond, Another Place in Utah for Wiper [Smile] someday it will be great fishing there for Wiper. [fishin][/font]
Do you fish for fish, or go fishing to fish?
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06/11/11 4:02 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=UtahShooter"][#000000]UtahShooter[/#000000][/url]
[Image: Shiner.gif] (27 posts)
06/11/11 4:02 PM
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Re: [FishNCoach] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671098"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
Never great fishing at Bountiful Pond. Well not for the last 5 years or so.

Skype UtahShooter
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06/11/11 4:11 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=DKStroutfitter"][#000000]DKStroutfitter[/#000000][/url]
[Image: Barracuda.gif] (942 posts)
06/11/11 4:11 PM
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Re: [FishNCoach] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671098"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
I hope that they work out there.
They will sure help clean up the trash fish that are in there.
The good thing about Wiper is that if they don't work out, they are sterile and you can just quit stocking them.
DKStroutfitter aka DKSRenegade
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06/11/11 9:47 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=Springbuck"][#000000]Springbuck[/#000000][/url]
[Image: Calico%20Bass.gif] (430 posts)
06/11/11 9:47 PM
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Re: [FishNCoach] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671098"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
I live right down there, maybe I'll go see what size they planted. The place generally doesn't interest me much, but I know there is a wide variety of species there.
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06/12/11 4:44 AM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=TubeDude"][#000000]TubeDude[/#000000][/url]
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06/12/11 4:44 AM
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Re: [FishNCoach] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671098"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
[cool][#0000ff]Sadly, the fish that make it past the six inch size will probably be "harvested" before they can get much bigger. I have never seen a lake that has so much "subsistance" fishing going on. Some of the locals treat it as their own personal fish market.[/#0000ff]
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06/12/11 3:13 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=Springbuck"][#000000]Springbuck[/#000000][/url]
[Image: Calico%20Bass.gif] (430 posts)
06/12/11 3:13 PM
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Re: [TubeDude] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671221"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
True. I have seen a lot of "expanded limits" taken away from there. One of the few places I've mentioned it to someone. An undercover DWR officer could write 20 tickets in an afternoon there.
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06/12/11 4:05 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=kentofnsl"][#042f7d]kentofnsl[/#042f7d][/url]
[#042f7d][Image: Sturgeon.gif][/#042f7d] / Moderator (9763 posts)
06/12/11 4:05 PM
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Re: [TubeDude] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671221"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
When I was assisting the UDWR with their youth fishing group at Bountiful, one of their employees reported an experience with a fish harvester. He was stocking the lake with cat fish and a guy was putting his net in the stream of water as it left the fish truck and netting the fish before they could even reach the lake. He told the guy if he didn't turn the fish loose that he would call someone and have him arrested. Reluctantly, the guy turned the fish loose. Now that is a fish harvester if I ever heard of one.

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[red]Do you have a child with a math fever, or perhaps a reading virus. If you do then you need a TUTOR DOCTOR! [url ""][#212126]Tutor Doctor [/#212126][/url]

At Tutor Doctor, "We Make House Calls".[/red]
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06/12/11 4:40 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=TubeDude"][#000000]TubeDude[/#000000][/url]
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06/12/11 4:40 PM
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Re: [kentofnsl] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671312"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
[cool][#0000ff]TubeBabe and I also participated in the Youth Program at Bountiful. Catfish were planted on Monday and by Wednesday none of the kids could even catch a fish. Just for my own education I went up there on Monday night and was apalled. Several "extended families" had lines in the water every five feet around the east side of the lake. There were only two or three adults and the rest were kids...usually off playing somewhere while the adults reeled in the fish and rebaited lines. If anybody else even looked like they wanted to fish in those areas they got a lot of "attitude". "HEY, WE'RE FISHING THERE."[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In the short time I was there I saw two guys haul a big net full of freshly planted catfish back to their vehicles and return for more. Phone calls to HQ received no followup response. When I mentioned it to our DWR rep for the Wednesday night program a couple of days later I was told the same old story. Not enough people to cover all the waters.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Not sure I agree with planting fish for the locals to harvest before others have a shot at them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As I said, I will be surprised if any of the wipers ever get beyond the 12 inch mark.[/#0000ff]
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06/12/11 5:09 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=albinotrout"][#000000]albinotrout[/#000000][/url]
[Image: Chain%20Pickeral.gif] (2367 posts)
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06/12/11 5:09 PM
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Re: [FishNCoach] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671098"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
Nice to see that they are in there but alas they won't be there for more than two or three days before the happy harvesters take them all home.[mad] I personally wish the DWR would patrol that area a little more than they do. I do understand the understaffed issue though.[:/] Lets hope some do escape the fishing frenzy and they do get to be a good size.

People say that I have ADHD but I think I am just misunderst.....Hey theres a chicken!!!!
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06/12/11 6:20 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=MarineSpear"][#000000]MarineSpear[/#000000][/url]
[Image: WeakFish.gif] (142 posts)
06/12/11 6:20 PM
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Re: [FishNCoach] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671098"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
Any chance you have seen the water clearity the last couple of days? I'm interested in going after a couple carp for bait but would need pretty clear water in order to spearfish. thanks!!
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06/12/11 7:20 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=DKStroutfitter"][#000000]DKStroutfitter[/#000000][/url]
[Image: Barracuda.gif] (942 posts)
06/12/11 7:20 PM
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Re: [albinotrout] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671348"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
If everyone calls the DWR Hot Line, every time that they see over limits taken, things will get better.
Get all the info that you can, including license plate numbers. When a complain it called in there must be a response to the call.
this doesn't mean that an Officer will show up in a timely manor but they will call you back and let you know what they can do.
when the same people get reported multiple times, it makes it easier to catch them.

Please make the call when you see poaching of fish. Your eyes are out there and they can make a difference.
DKStroutfitter aka DKSRenegade
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06/12/11 7:43 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=Jiggety"][#000000]Jiggety[/#000000][/url]
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06/12/11 7:43 PM
Post #12 of 14
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Re: [TubeDude] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671221"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
I am a local, and I haven't harvested a fish from this water in over 8 years. When it became a hard fought battle to catch anything there I stopped taking home fish. I have fished here for over a decade and have watched it turn from a fairly good lake to a fish market. The "locals" that are taking fish are anything but locals, and are usually quite far from home.
I too have called in many lawbreakers and seen minimal response. Seems to me that this should be one of the most patrolled waters in the state IMO.
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06/12/11 8:20 PM
[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=albinotrout"][#000000]albinotrout[/#000000][/url]
[Image: Chain%20Pickeral.gif] (2367 posts)
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06/12/11 8:20 PM
Post #13 of 14
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Re: [Jiggety] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671386"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
I used to see DWR there all the time. Now whenever I go they are non existant. But I too have stopped fishing there for the fish are nonexistant as well. Maybe this week I will see if the wiper population was able to get through the weekend nonsense.

People say that I have ADHD but I think I am just misunderst.....Hey theres a chicken!!!!
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Re: [albinotrout] Bountiful pond-Wiper [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#p671403"][#212126]In reply to[/#212126][/url]
[cool][#0000ff]Wipers are planted either as "sac fry" or as fingerlings. You might need a pretty small fly to tempt one. But that might be your only shot at them before they get slightly bigger and get caught out.[/#0000ff]
[font "Courier New"][#0000BF][size 3]Too bad I sold my 210 gallon aquarium. I could catch babies, bring them home to grow, then you guys could come to my house and we could have a fishin' party with getting easy caught wipers of decent size! LOL
Considering that is totally illegal, probably best that you no longer have your aquarium.
[font "Courier New"][#0000BF][size 3]Yup, I know. Hence the "LOL" Wink