Fishing Forum

Full Version: cuonthelake, chickamauga, Crappies, 7/1/11, Brat
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The emoBawl started at 0545 this am, first thing is never show the kid any new gadgets he doesn't have, I am sure next week he will have his own Iphone. The second round of emoBawl was the first dock that I had heard how great the fish where , dry as a bone, we knocked and knocked, lights on, but no one was home. Headed up river all the time listening to more emoBawl , you think the Brat never had a bad day fishing. What could be the icing on the cake?????... emoPoke DK and Biofisher in the Kids self proclaim spot..... emoBigSmile emoBigSmile emoBigSmile I waved real big at my fishing Hero and was laughing, DK did you see that big Smile on my face? emoPoke <br />We found some fish that wanted to get their pictures taken. I finally got a break from the emoBawl . A few other dock stops mostly in less than 10 fow produced some nice keepers. I wanted to try a bluff area, that ended in us helping some catfishing guys that lost a flywheel nut. The Kid couldn't fix the boat but he did try to take him to find a part and when that didn't work out we towed them back to chester frost. I was afraid I was gonna hear all about loosing fishing time and a huge emoBooHoo session and it ended up being about a lesson on Karma, and what goes around comes around. emoSun Once they were safely towed back, the real Brat returned , "now we gotta make that lost time up" "no more Mr. Nice guy" The Jekyll and Hyde moment was a little scary emoCrazy but he put me back on a few fish so I quickly forgot the insanity. When I ended my outlaw special boat guide trip at 1330 we had 23 on the clicker. I am still waiting on one of those nonstop catching days. Life is Good on a extra day off from work. emoBigSmile