went to trial lake, ice comming off fast. hiked all the way to cliff, that is still locked up. washington has a few open sections along the banks. lost creek is almost wide open. went below 9500 feet and found open water for some fun sized hungry brookies in case anyone wanted to know
thanks for the report wont be long and soon the ice will be all gone and it will be Fish On
Nice thank You! If all goes well I will bring some news on Murdock Basin next weekend. Went down there a bit on Tuesday and dropped all the way into the Valley. Road is pretty bad towards the bottom. I had to stop as I would have needed a winch to get me over the fallen trees.
How crowded was it up there this weekend? Thinking of going later to get out of the 100 degree weather they're forecasting. In the last 2 weeks when I've been up no one else was fishing at all. I don't mind some company but given limited places to fish up there I don't want to deal with combat fishing. Is a fun sized hungry brookie the same as those rodent like brookies 3-8 inches that you can't keep off your hook?
below 9500 feet there really are not a ton of people if you are willing to walk a little. near the big names like trial, mirror, etc, your a^&hole to elbow deep in people, getting what pics we have off the phone right now
here are two quick phone pics
Thanks, I saw your response on the way out the door. We went up but made a little side detour to avoid the crowds. Worked out well. Hit a lake a bit higher up and it was totally ice and people free. Caught those "fun sized" brookies but at least most where brightly colored. Had a hunch we might get a golden trout. I manage to catch about an 8 inch golden trout in spawning colors. Unfortunately the camera was about 20 ft behind us and by the time my son got the camera ready to take a pic it got off the hook and swam away. We didn't have a net with us. I was bummed not to get the pic but this was about my 6th trip hoping to a get a golden in Utah over the past 3 years so I was quite happy to finally get one. I'll just have to catch another one for the picture. Just imagine me holden the golden in the same place as you see my son with the brookie in the first photo. I have yet to encounter a single person fishing while I have been fishing (not just hiking in or leaving) this year in Utah. So the next 2 are pictures of an empty lake except my dog in the last one.
Nice pictures and fish guys thanks for the reports I cant wait to get back out and would love to catch some brookies and bring a few home for a little fish fry.[cool]
It was a great day! I caught first fish of the day which was a rainbow, then it was all kochanut the rest of the day. I did get some hiking in so I was excited about that

. Can't wait until we head out this weekend on our next adventure
Thanks for the report. Good to know what is happening up there right now.
congrats on the first fish of the day and getting out fishing. I cant wait for the weekend to get out fishin again