07-04-2011, 09:00 AM
Marlon and I started the day off at 6 AM from the Soddy ramp lookin for some crappie. He hadn't been in about a month and had a bad case of the shakes, :o 1st stop was the best of the day with most of our catch being caught there, emoScratch The current and north wind made gettin' the jig down a struggle but we managed, using 1/8 & 1/4 oz leadheads. Fish were shallow on a drop at first but moved deep as the sun came up. Marlon had to go to work at noon so I took him back to the ramp at 12 then installed my trollin' rack and tried out some new spots that I had marked on the map. Not much happening with that either. With whitecaps on the river it was hard to troll and control the boat by myself, emoAngry By 3 PM the chiggers and destroyers had shown up and increased the waves so I tffed it out for a while longer and called it a day. After almost 12 hours of fishing I ended the day with 17 keeper crappie, the best being 13 & 3/4, a 3 lb blue cat, a nice stripper, ( what a great fight) and a couple small spaaatts. We tried one dock without success so kept checking out the ledges and drops in the main river mostly, emoScratch Most fish caught in 12 to 3o FOW and released. Won't go back 'till the 4th holiday is over, too much traffic for me,
It was good to see Pete out there with a big
about his TARP crappie, emoSmile<br />Got my replacement HDS7 back and installed. That cured my problem which the new 4.0 download had caused. I guess the download scrambled the main unit&#39;s brain. Lowrance sent me a brand new unit as replacement, I orederd it on Monday afternoon and it arrived on Wednesday afternoon on the brown truck. Can&#39;t ask for better service than that. I just wish they had tested the 4.0 download on more units because I&#39;m not the only one who was havin&#39; problems, emoScratch