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Oh ya I almost forgot coyote! Think I dont take anybody fishing because I'm selfish? So you know the third bass my dad ever caught was 5 pounds. At the time that was bigger than anything I had ever pulled in and I had spent way more time-out than him, he's all about it now. Also have an uncle that's goes to. He's got them cutler bass dialed in (8 lbs) really though. Go ahead and get all righteous about how great you are at sharing. Didn't you mention you have a secret spot. Is it that sunken tree about 25-30 feet northwest from the second bout in the S W corner on lake Y?
so if ive read correct yo said throw the bass back but some one you know whome works for the dwr said they dont want the bass in there due to them hurting other fish population??? you contradict yourself in what you are saying!!!
[quote catmaster23. . . If you think that bass guys are bad, just imagine a fly fishing bass guy![cool][/quote]

you're scaring me NOW!

That's too funny. Opens another whole can of worms. (pun intended). Baitless/barbless ???
"live bait" - hooks with barbs? Gads - how barbaric!

Seriously - the gills were slammin the surface at sunset. I had the most aggressive hits on clods of cotton-wood-cotton on my lines - thinnin - I oughta put a hook in THAT.

Hey - Basshunter - I'm with ya - really. Utah plants trout, maintains trouteries, but the bass - they seem to leave to nature. And I honestly believe that a lot of where this contention comes from. Counting on spawn.
Mantua is a mixed bag. It's really a warm-water lake, but the trout do ok. But I'll concur - it's better suited as a warm-water res - bass/ gills. (maybe they should add Musky!) But the trout there do pretty good - tuff shoulders!!! And Utahns like their trout (don't ask the ice-fishers!). how about some Crappie? Anyone got a bucket?

So what would be considered a good "spawning" bass size? Back to the 12" limit? Can't say the DNR always makes all the "right" decisions as determined by our couch-potatoe-anglers, but I will say - they have more invested in it than the LARGE majority of "state-anglers"

Be it as it may . . . it's only my "Mr Peobody Opinion".
The bassers have a right to complain and moan when we decide to eat bass... and we have a right to eat them.

That is all there is to it. Arguing about it is about like arguing politics. We vote for who we vote for and that is that. It is not like we make any policy decisions whatsoever.

I used to stand up for the guys that kept bass... and I criticized those who complained about it. Anymore, I don't even bother. Let them complain... keep bass if you want to, you won't change any of these catch and release bass-fanatics views on it.
nail on the head.

politics. . . or religion. I won't get started on that.

All I know is - I know it all, or so some folks keep telling me. Guess they must be write.
[center]Emoticons be damned - wurds is wurds.
[center]Box of chocolates anyone?
Tomato, Potatoe - it's all good.
Somehow reminds me of when my band-conductor came to school with a broken wrist - from practicing in front of the mirror in the bathroom. I can be sure everyone started together!
[quote catmaster23] Take newton for example. The muskies are going nuts in there. Every other species in there is swimming around with their eyes bulging out of there heads, scared shitless.[/quote]

guess its time to terrorize newton with the fly rods
[quote catmaster23]Nerve struck! Everybody is so sensitive. If you think that bass guys are bad, just imagine a fly fishing bass guy![cool][/quote]

good thing im not sensitive, you could have made a tear peek from my eye. the few bass i have caught this year have all gone back into the water, except for that 9lb small mouth i hooked throwing a rapala on a fly rod out of the ogden river, i fed that to the dog [:p]
My impression after fishing in Mantua 10 times this spring is that there are too many skinny bass and lots of huge blue gill in mantua. It makes perfect senese givne the previous rules about not harvesting fish over 12".

Right now there are too many small bass (less than 14") and very few big enough to eat a 6" bluegill. I am keeping every single 10"-14" lb bass I catch... e.g. selective harvest.
Man it took you long enough. I was wondering when one of my favorite whippers was going to read that. I've seen fly guys out there tearing up the muskies before, looked pretty fun.
im pondering the idea of heading up there, but if someone got within 10 feet of my wife out in her tube, and they were blazing a trail in their boat i would shoot them, no kidding
Some nights are real nice but most are pretty bad. Days like today would be perfect, for some reason skiers are alergic to rain and clouds, probably would be an awesome night. I always wonderd if you have to be an asshole to own a ski boat or does owning a ski boat turn you into an asshole?
Sheesh, started out talking about fish, now we are talking about evolution and which came first, the chicken or the egg [Wink][sly]

Seriously though, not all skiers are... just 85% of them [:/]
i think ill just head up mid week next week and save this weekend for hiking. i dont deal well with stupidity and carelessness (sp)
Well guys, I went up there again today, from about 8 to 2. This time me and my buddy. 2 boats in the water, we were in pontoons[cool]. Fished almost the same area where I caught those bass, and sure enough there were more there. Caught over a dozen 10-14" bass, same technique as last time. Oh and don't worry basshunter, because I forgot the stringer, we released all of them[Tongue].

The water was glass, with maybe a few ripples here and there, but no wind other than that. It rained on us pretty hard though, almost called it quits. It seemed like the bluegill were very very little, the perch we caught were small also.
Not just saying this to appease the bass-aholics but the smaller bass taste waaay better than the bigger ones.

Those 12" bass taste just as good as perch to me... especially largemouth. The smallies aren't as good in my opinion.

I think that catch and release on bigger bass is a good idea.. think of how big the bass would get if they had to go back over 14".
I'm not responding to anyone in particular, but in judging what others doing I find it helpful to remember the stages of a fisherman. They are roughly:

First, you want to go fishing
Next, you want to catch fish
Then, you want to catch limits
Then, you want to catch big fish
Finally, you just want to go fishing

And perhaps somewhere in there is the stage of wanting to catch fish a certain way. I have definitely reached the last stage and when I'm out fishing and I see someone keeping a limit or keeping a big one for the table or the wall, I just remember that we are all in different phases and we all probably went through the same phases. Cut your bruthas and sistas some slack.
Ok buddy that would be great if you DID keep those 10-14 inchers. Please don't take this the wrong way, maybe I can help some understand weight of fish. (pretty sore subject here)
10" bass = 1/2 pound
12"bass= 1 pound
14" bass=1 1/2 pounds
16" bass= 2 1/4 pounds
17"= 2 3/4 pounds
18"= 3 1/2 pounds
19"=4 1/4 pounds
20"= 5 pounds
24"= 8 pounds
A 2.5 lb fish here in Utah is close to 7 years old vs. a 12" 3 year old for the dinner table. Those 5 lb bass are closer to 12 years old and if we are all so fortunate that one never gets eaten by somebody they could easily live to be 16-20 years old

Oh I better add this one in too...a two foot brown trout is closer to 4 1/2 lbs than 8
If everybody only had 20 dollars for a scale...

I absolutely love this logic. I'm going fishing in the morning with my kids, nephew, and my aging father. I know which stage I am in as well as the kids. I will fish for the kids and dad tomorrow!
I think some on here are going through the phase of MANopause.
I agree with the size chart, it's almost perfectly accurate. The 3.5 lb bass we caught was exactly 17 and 1/2 inches. Most of them that we caught yesterday were about 2 pounds, with the occasional 2.5 lber. Sorry for acting like a fool, I am young and still don't understand why we should take the smaller ones out? Is it just to eliminate a competitor for food from the big ones?
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