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Haven't had any time to fish yet this year so I've been a lurkin' for awhile... planning a trip to starvation this friday -sunday... I've never fished it from a boat before and have little experience there.. any tips would be appreciated and I'll post the results. Thanks!
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Thanks for sharing. I'll be targeting mostly walleye ... my Dad is coming down from Montana and he'd love some "teen incher" walleyes for dinner Wink. I would love to get into the jumbo perch or the smallies that are in there but wetting a line is what we need!. Any starting points I should try? Fishing from a grey lund say hello if ya see me.
Starvation may be a let down for him if he fishes for walleye in Montana. That state has some great walleye fishing and good programs to manage their walleye fisheries. Canyon Ferry is probably one of the prettiest places I have fished for walleye in the West. Good luck on your trip to Starvation.
I will be in the upper campground (MO18) from friday till tuesday. I am in a Layton fifth wheel with a yellow generator on the back. I run a red and white procraft. If you see me on the lake or in the campground, stop by and I'll hook you up with info.

Thinking about it, any BFTrs that will be that way stop by and say hi. I will be there by myself sunday night through tues morning, so company would be fun. I will have room in the boat monday during the day, first one interested can fill the spot.
I will take you up on that Mike. Maybe I will donate a splash of whiskey as well.

I have a pretty good spot for catching crawlers too. Got 3 dozen last night. I will be out tomorrow in the drift boat, so I will have somewhat of an idea of what is going on in the wash.

A couple good starting points to the guy that started this thread. If you have a fish finder look for channels and drop offs. The flats and weed beds around those structures are holding fish. Bottom bouncers, curly tail jigs in green and yellow, and just a plain jig head tipped with crawler will catch you plenty of smaller eyes, finding the bigger fish has been a bit more challenging.

I will keep you guys posted how I do tomorrow.[fishin]
Sounds good. I have room in the trailer Sunday night and monday night if you want to stay. Up to you. Come up and say hi tomorow if you get a chance.
LOL I will have my dogs[Image: happy.gif]. Are you fishing tomorrow?
I have to work tomorrow night but I will be fishing all morning. But I have Sunday and Monday off. I may take you up on the trailer. Your old man gonna be there?
No old man, it would be a 800 mile round trip for him. Dont worry about the dogs, got two of my own now. May have a dog fight over who gets to cuddle with me[laugh]. Ill be fishing tomorow but probably wont get there till about 1pm or so. Not sure what time I will launch.
I'll be up around 8 or 9 tomorrow night until Sunday afternoon. Be in slot 4 with cold scotch..
Ah Oh!! This weekend could get pretty[cool]
Scotch,Scotch...scotch... down my belly. Down it goes.[sly]
My dad and I have fished canyon ferry many is a beautiful place and I've caught walleye up around 5-6 lbs. No monsters yet but it'll come. Flathead is another favorite up there. Thanks all for the info I'll put it to use. Anyone tried leeches on harnesses with any success there.? The boat is well equipped so hoping for some cooperation from weather and fishes...
I lived in Montana for a little while in a little town called Bear Creek, right outside of Red Lodge. If you drove toward Billings there was a little res called Cooney. They had some pretty nice eyes in there. The summer I was there someone had caught a 13.8 lb eye fishing the full moon in July. I didn't have a boat so I never really fished it. Just thought I would throw out another great Montana fishery.... GOD I love that place..

Ask your dad if he has ever heard of the pig races at the Bear Creek steak house and saloon. It is kinda well known around the state. I have not been back for about 2 years. Thinkin about making the trip later this summer when all the dry fly fishing starts picking up. Had some great days in the fall doing cast and blast...

Great now ya got me goin on the great state of